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Most And Least Acidic Juices (Acidity Related)

From toddlers to adults, almost everyone enjoys a nice glass of juice! Though juice is tasty and has many ingredients that are good for us. Drinking  a lot of juice is not really healthy.

Some folks think juice is automatically healthy because it comes from fruits and veggies. However, even homemade juice with no sugar can still be a problem due to the acid levels.

Most fruit and vegetables contain citric, malic, and ascorbic acid (basically vitamin C). These acids can be unkind to the human body.

Too much can affect teeth, cause acid reflux, lower bone density, and stomach issues. So, it is important to know how much acid is or is not in your juice. Below we will explore the most and least acidic juices.

Sr. No.JuicesAcidity Level
1Lemon Juice2
2Lime Juice2 – 2.3
3Cranberry Juice2.6
4Blueberry Juice2.5 – 2.9
5Grapefruit Juice2.9
66. Grape Juice3 – 4
7Kiwi Juice3.1 – 3.9
8Apple Juicel: 3.5 – 4
9Orange Juice3.3 – 4.2
10Peach Juice3.3 – 4
11Pineapple Juice3.5
12Pear Juice3.5 – 4.6
13Pomegranate Juice3.5
14Guava Juice3.6
15Prune Juice3.9
16Tomato Juice4.1 – 4.6
17Papaya Juice5.2
18Mango Juice5.8 – 6
19Melon Juice6 – 6.2
20Carrot Juice6.2
21Beet Juice6.7
22Cabbage Juice6.75
23Acai Berry Juice7 (neutral)
24Aloe Vera7 – 8.5 ( non acidic)

Most And Least Acidic Juices

Least Acidic Juices

Keep in mind that, according to the acidity scale, 0 is the most acidic and 6 is the least. So, for example, a juice with a 1.5 acid level is more acidic than a juice with 2.6.

1. Lemon Juice

Acid level: 2

With an acid level not too far from things like battery acid and vinegar. Lemon juice is one of the most acidic fruit juices out there. 

Luckily, most of us are not squeezing entire lemons into a glass and drinking it, (if you do, please stop!). Most people add it to water, mixed drinks, etc. so we ingest a relatively small amount. Even the lemon in lemonade is neutralized when it’s watered down and sugared up. 

2. Lime Juice

Acid Level: 2 – 2.3

Almost in a tie with lemons, lime juice is highly acidic. Again, you’re probably not consuming large amounts. But you should be careful with the amounts because it can irritate the stomach and cause acid reflux. 

A good thing about both lemons and limes is that once they are digested, their chemicals will work to neutralize other acidic foods you may have eaten. This is beneficial because neutralizing acids can help prevent digestive issues and even osteoporosis. 

3. Cranberry Juice

Acid level: 2.6

Cranberry juice can be great for your health. It assists in healthy kidney functioning. It also relieves symptoms of urinary tract infections. 

Cranberry juice does have a lot of acid with a level of 2.6. So, it can cause trouble with heartburn, reflux, and even diarrhea. It’s best to dilute this juice with water to gain the most benefit and the least side effects

4. Blueberry Juice

Acid level: 2.5 – 2.9

Blueberry juice may not be the most popular juice in the grocery store, but people do drink it.

Smoothies often have it as an ingredient. Children’s juice boxes often have ” mixed berries” and blueberries are in them.

If you are a fan of blueberry juice, you may want to add water or milk to it. If making a smoothie, try adding a banana, which is a low acid fruit. 

RELATED: Are Avocados Acidic, And Bad For Acid Reflux?

5. Grapefruit Juice

Acid level: 2.9

Many people enjoy a cold glass of grapefruit juice to kick start their morning. The tart flavor ( which comes from citric acid) is a perfect pick up at breakfast.

But beware! Given its high level of acid, you may want to cut it back to 2 – 3 days a week. Also, the acids in grapefruit juice do not mix well with some medication. See the link above for more information.

6. Grape Juice

Acid level: 3 – 4

Grape juice comes in reddish purple or white. You’ve probably noticed that white grape juice is sweeter and less tart than red. This is because white grape juice has less acid content than red.

Even the red with its 3.6 level is ok to drink a few days a week. Especially if you add some water or ice!

7. Kiwi Juice

Acid level: 3.1 – 3.9

Kiwi juice is considered an acidic juice. However, it depends on the ripeness of the fruit. A juice made with a ripe kiwi will be less acidic than a less ripe kiwi.

Kiwis are chock full of health benefits. They reduce the risk of blood clots. Help lower high blood pressure. Kiwis can even help ease the symptoms of asthma and chronic coughing. 

8. Apple Juice

Least Acidic Juices

Acid level: 3.5 – 4

Apples are not citrus fruit. They are pome fruits grown from spring blossoms. Therefore, they don’t have as much acid as lemons, grapefruits, and oranges. But the acid level is still pretty high.

Though it does depend on the type of apple used. For instance:

More Acidic

  • Granny Smith
  • Newtown Pippin
  • Shamrock
  • Crispin

Less Acidic

  • Red Delicious
  • Honey Crisp
  • Fuji
  • Gala

It’s no coincidence that the more acidic apples are green. The acid makes them more tart tasting than red apples. 

9. Orange Juice

Acid level: 3.3 – 4.2

Surprisingly, orange juice, has less acidity overall than cranberries or apples. As with other fruit juices, it depends on the type of orange that is used.

If you have trouble with acid reflux, heartburn, or ulcers, you may want orange juice made from

  • Cara Cara
  • Clemintines
  • Valencia
  • Lima

RELATED: Are Lemons Acidic? And Bad For Acid Reflux?

10. Peach Juice

Acid level: 3.3 – 4

Peaches are delightfully sweet and juicy. So it may come as a surprise that its juice has just as much acid as an orange juice.

However, peach juice contains minerals that help neutralize its own acid. It’s also very high in antioxidants that help to prevent cell damage. So if you have no issues that acid triggers, a few glasses won’t hurt. 

11. Pineapple Juice

Acid level: 3.5

A refreshing juice that goes great with mixed drinks. But given its high acid level, it should be used with a more neutral alcohol. This will avoid heartburn the next morning!

12. Pear Juice

Acid level: 3.5 – 4.6

The pears juice will be acidic no matter what. However, if you want to make homemade pear juice without a ton of acid, try using Bosc pears. Bosc pears have a 5.15 acid level. Pear juice is great for

  • Increasing bone density
  • Proper nervous system function
  • Improving circulation 

13. Pomegranate Juice

Acid level: 3.5

Pomegranate juice is acidic on its own. But once it’s infested, the level goes down to 5.5. This is pretty close to being neutral. This juice can help

  • Cancer prevention 
  • Digestion 
  • Immune health

14. Guava Juice

Acid level: 3.6

Guava juice is so tasty that one sip can be enough for people to abandon all other breakfast juices.

Unfortunately, it’s just as acidic as the other popular juices mentioned. A great idea is to mix it with some more neutral juices like banana or melon

15.  Prune Juice

Acid level: 3.9

Prune juice is often used to help with constipation. It’s loaded with great things like calcium, iron and potassium.

Given its mid level acidity, a few glasses a week can help keep you healthy! That is, as long as you don’t suffer from reflux! 

16. Tomato Juice

Acid level: 4.1 – 4.6

Tomato juice is surprisingly low on the scale considering it has many different acids. In addition to citric and malice acid, they have carboxylic, lactic, and fumaric acid.

Tomato juice is notorious for bringing on heartburn for those who are prone. However, If you care to make your own, there are ways to lower the acid level. Following these guidelines may help.

  • Basic red tomatoes are less acidic than yellow, orange, or other light colors
  • Smaller tomatoes have more acidic
  • Growing locations can affect acid levels
  • Over ripe tomatoes are less acidic

17. Papaya Juice

Least Acidic Juices

Acid level: 5.2

Papaya is a tropical fruit. It makes great juice. Papaya is full of calcium, iron, and potassium. In addition, it actually has an enzyme called papain, that helps digestion and reduce acid reflux.

So papaya has acid. But, its other ingredients work against any negative effects. 

18. Mango Juice

Acid level: 5.8 – 6

Mango juice is much less acidic than orange, apple, or cranberry. But it still has fairly high levels. Fresh mango juice is much less acidic than commercially produced mango juice.

RELATED: Are Pickles Acidic? And Bad For Acid Reflux?

19. Melon Juice

Acid level: 6 – 6.2

Any type of melon juice is fairly low in acid. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, etc. are all mildly acidic.

They all have a ton of magnesium. This mineral helps to neutralize stomach acid. It also helps to ease acid reflux symptoms. So if you have reflux, start juicing those melons! 

20. Carrot Juice

Acid level: 6.2

Carrots are full of great vitamins, like E, K, and B. They also have a ton of fiber. That along with lower acid levels make carrot juice a great choice for everyone!

It also makes a great neutralizer when added to more acidic juices. We often see kids’ juice boxes with carrot and apple combos. 

21. Beet Juice

Acid level: 6.7

Beet juice is very close to being neutral on the acidity scale. It also has some great health benefits:

  • Helps relieve constipation
  • Increases stamina
  • Helps lower blood pressure 
  • Great source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants 

Many people don’t understand why beet juice is not considered a superfood! 

22. Cabbage Juice

Acid level: 6.75

Cabbage juice is the least acidic of all the vegetable juices. Loaded with vitamins A, E, C, and K. It also has calcium and iron. This juice can help with:

  • Detoxification 
  • Weight loss
  • Immune health
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Hormone levels

23. Acai Berry Juice

Acid level: 7 (neutral)

The Acai berry IS considered a superfood. It’s no wonder given its neutral acid level ( none), and the incredible benefits it has. These include: 

  • Reducing cell damage
  • Boost immune system 
  • Reduce swelling
  • Improves skin
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Improve cognitive functioning
  • Promotes heart health

24. Aloe Vera

Acid level: 7 – 8.5 ( non acidic)

Aloe Vera is not just for rubbing on sunburn. It’s great as a non-acidic, alkaline juice too! It’s also got a host of health benefits. 

  • Helps clear up skin
  • Relieves constipation 
  • Reduces heartburn 
  • Maintains eye health
  • Aids in sleep
  • Full of vitamin C for immune health

Whether they are highly acidic, low, or non-acidic, most juices provide many health benefits. However, make sure to check the acid levels if you suffer from reflux, ulcers, or other health issues.

Also, remember that moderation is key. Like with any type of food or drink. Too much of one thing can trigger digestive issues. So switch up the juices and enjoy the variety!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Juices Are Most Acidic?

Juices are usually made from fruits and vegetables, and are naturally acidic. Most fruits contain a lot of sugars and acids, which is what make them a natural source of juice.

What Drinks Are Low In Acid?

Drinks that are low in acidity include, but are not limited to, wine, soda, and juice. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are often low in acid, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, the fruit’s natural acidity can be higher than other fruits.

For example, grapefruit juice has a higher acidity than orange juice. That’s because grapefruit is sweeter and it has a higher sugar content.

Are All Fruit Juices Acidic?

This is a question that comes up often, but not all fruit juices are acidic. Some fruit juices, like orange juice, can be acidic because of the citrus fruits that are added to the juice.

Others, like apple juice, are not acidic because the apples are added to the juice without any citrus fruits.

Jess Smith

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