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17 Traditional Mexican Drinks

When most people think of Mexican drinks, our minds instantly think of tequila. And then from tequila, our minds usually stray to margaritas. Don’t get me wrong, we love a good margarita, but there is so much more to Mexican drinks than just margaritas. 

In fact, there is more to Mexican drinks than tequila. Some of you might have heard of horchata, which is another popular Mexican drink. However, beyond these few drinks, most people’s knowledge is lacking. We just can’t have that. 

Traditional Mexican Drinks

So many of us are missing out on wonderful drinking concoctions because we simply don’t have the knowledge of the drinks. We get so used to what is common and presented to us on a platter, that sometimes we forget to explore. 

Well, we say no more. No more drinking the same old drink every time you go out, go to a restaurant, or even when the weather calls for a specific drink. Mexico has so many wonderful drinks for us to try.

So to help you switch up your drinks, we have created a list of 17 traditional Mexican drinks for you to explore. We have also included answers to some of the questions that you might have about these amazing drinks

The Ultimate Mexican Drinks Recipes Are:

1. Paloma

Paloma is the national cocktail of Mexico, which is why it is first up on this list. Paloma is made from tequila, lime juice, grapefruit juice, and simple syrup. Some recipes call for the use of fizzy grapefruit.

If you are someone who is a fan of tequila but you don’t enjoy super sweet drinks then the Paloma is the drink for you. The Paloma is a wonderfully refreshing drink, perfect for a summer’s day.

The grapefruit juice or flavored drink in this cocktail helps to soften the harshness of the tequila without adding too much sweetness. 

2. Margarita

What can we say about the classic Mexican Margarita that hasn’t been said already? This drink is divine. It is a personal favorite. Authentic Mexican margaritas are made with Blanco tequila, orange liqueur, limes, and simple syrup.

Together these ingredients create a refreshing yet sweet drink. We can’t forget that the rim of the glass should be covered with lime juice and salt.

We love the fact that this drink can be served over ice or in a chilled glass. Also, it takes five minutes to make this perfect drink. 

3. Horchata

Horchata is an extremely popular Mexican drink. You can now find it in restaurants all over. Horchata is a rice-based drink, although some people might switch the rice to coconut.

You might think that a drink with rice in it is strange, but trust us, you need to try this drink.

Horchata is a refreshing drink that is great when you have it after a meal. It is a smooth but sweet drink.

The drink is also fairly simple to make but you do have to soak some ingredients for at least five hours. If you want a new, comforting drink then you need to try the delectable horchata. 

4. Aguas Frescas

Aguas Frescas, when translated to English, means fresh waters. Hopefully, that gives you a small insight as to what this drink is like. If you are looking for that tantalizing cool drink that instantly refreshes you, then the Aguas Frescas is the drink for you.

The basic components of this drink are fresh fruit juice, water, and at times a bit of cane sugar. You can usually find this drink served from a street cart. It is the perfect drink to have when you are walking around on a hot summer’s day. 

5. Tejate

Tejate is an Oaxacan beverage that is made from a paste. This paste is made up of toasted maize, mamey pits, flor de cacao, and cocoa powder or beans. This paste is mixed with water to make the drink.

You can also add sugar to the drink to sweeten it. When you add the water to this drink it creates a foam that settles on top. The drink doesn’t look as appealing as a fruity concoction. However, it is hearty and really refreshing.

Also, you have to appreciate the effort that goes into making this drink. Those that make it for street vendors often start to make the drink at 8 am only for it to be ready at 11 am. 

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6. Chamoyada

Chamoyada is a sweet but spicy drink. Some of you might have heard of the version with mangoes, called Mangonada. It is often made from some sort of fruit or mixed fruits, chili, and the star of the show, chamoy.

You might be wondering what chamoy is. Well, it is a savory sauce that is made from pickled fruit. Chamoy also comes in a range of different forms, from a sauce, paste, liquid, to candy.

If you are someone who likes to mix the flavors like sweet and spicy together then this is the drink you should make. 

7. Michelada

If we had to explain what a Michelada was, we would compare it to a spicy bloody mary but with beer. It is confusing but oddly satisfying. A Michelada is made from beer, Clamato juice (tomato juice), lime juice, soy sauce, hot sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.

A bit of a scary mix on paper, but heavenly in this drink. You might get weird looks when explaining what this drink is about, just make people try it instead.

We are continuing with the spicy drink theme, with the Michelada, but don’t worry, you can make it as hot as you would like. It is a refreshing drink that pairs fantastically with lunch. It is even considered to be an effective hangover remedy

8. Atole

Atole is a comforting warm drink that is also known as the warm cornmeal drink. You would normally drink Atole with breakfast or as breakfast. Atole is made from masa, cinnamon, water, piloncillo, and vanilla.

It is not a drink that is typically served at restaurants, but you will most likely find it at a street vendor. It takes around 20 to 25 minutes total to make this drink at home, which includes the preparation time.

Although, if you are really wanting to try it and are in Mexico, then we definitely recommend going to the local street vendor. 

9. Mezcal

Mezcal isn’t a drink in the same sense as a cocktail. It is more like a spirit. Mezcal is actually similar to tequila in the sense that it is made from an agave plant, but Mezcal can be made from any type of agave plant.

There are so many different types of Mezcal flavors to try that you will surely be able to find one that you like. Since it is made from an agave plant, it is very similar to tequila, but there are a few notable differences.

The first is the taste. Mezcal is smokier than tequila. Some would even say that Mezcal is stronger as well. It is used in cocktails such as the Mezcalita. 

10. Champurrado

Champurrado has been described as a chocolate-flavored Atole. Some even call it Mexican hot chocolate. Champurrado is a chocolate drink that has been part of Mexican culture since the Aztecs.

It is a thick and creamy drink that is thickened with the use of the ingredient masa. You can make Champurrado with a water base or with a milk base, the choice is up to you. Some people enjoy adding other ingredients to the drink such as cloves or orange peels.

It is the perfect drink to have during the holidays. If you are looking for a chocolatey drink to switch out your usual hot chocolate, then this is the drink for you to try. 

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11. Carajillo

Carajillo is often known as the coffee cocktail. This cocktail is very popular in Mexico. It is also incredibly easy to make. Well, that is assuming you know how to make an espresso.

The only ingredients in this drink are a cup of brewed espresso and Licor 43. That is it. It is a great cocktail to have when you are out for a meal at a restaurant or are at a late-night bar.

This drink can be served warm or cold, so it is great for both the summer and winter months. 

12. Cafe de Olla

Cafe de Olla is also known as Mexican spiced coffee. It is arguably one of the best traditional Mexican drinks, especially if you are a coffee lover. It is made with cinnamon, ground coffee, and piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar).

The name Cafe de Olla can be translated to pot coffee or coffee from a pot which is how it is traditionally made. It is a sweet coffee that has hints of spice due to the cinnamon. Some might find it a little watery but the coffee is still quite strong. 

13. Ponche

Ponche is a Mexican drink that becomes really popular during the Christmas season. The way to describe this drink is to say that it is a comforting, soothing fruit drink. It is a drink that warms the soul.

Whilst many serve it during the Christmas period, we think it is a drink that can be enjoyed at any time of the year.

The drink is made from a range of fruit such as guavas, apples, pears, and oranges. It is also spiced with cinnamon, hibiscus, tamarind, and cloves. If you are looking for a soothing drink to warm you up, then you need to give Ponche a try. 

14. Bloody Maria

Bloody Maria is the Mexican spin on a Bloody Mary. There is one key change to the ingredients of this drink, that makes it the Bloody Maria. This change would be losing the vodka and switching it for tequila.

Unlike vodka, the tequila really stands out and makes an impact against all the strong flavors in this drink. The spice in this drink is also amplified from all the jalapenos. This is a great drink if you aren’t a fan of vodka but want to enjoy the taste of a Bloody Mary. 

15. Batidos

Batidos are the Latin American version of a milkshake. They are a great complimentary drink to have in the morning with breakfast.

Batidos are made with fresh fruit, mixed with milk and vanilla. They are basically the healthy version of a milkshake.

RELATED: Make Your Own Restaurant-Worthy Mexican Rice With This Recipe

16. Pozol

Pozol isn’t a spelling error, it is a delicious cool chocolate drink. Pozol is a drink that is made from fermented corn dough, cacao, and water. It is refreshing. The drink is not typically sweet, though you can sweeten it up to your liking. 

17. Agua de Jamaica

Our last entry in this list is another incredibly refreshing drink. It is a drink that is made from boiling dried hibiscus flowers and water together.

Then once it is cool you add sugar. It is that simple! Some people even add lime zest. It is similar to iced tea on a hot day. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The National Drink Of Mexico?

There are many national drinks in Mexico, so it is best to put them into categories. 

The national spirit of Mexico is unsurprisingly tequila. 

So what about the national cocktail? You might be surprised by the answer to this question. I bet most of you were guessing margaritas but that isn’t the national cocktail of Mexico.

Instead, the national cocktail of Mexico is the Paloma. Shocking, right? And so many of us might not have heard of this drink before now. Paloma is a tequila and grapefruit combination. 

It is really hard to say what is the most popular Mexican drink. 

In terms of liquors and spirits, some of the more popular ones are Tequila and Mezcal.

When we look at different beers, Corona seems to be a popular choice. A popular beer-based cocktail in Mexico is the Michelada.

Looking at some of the popular non-alcoholic drinks in Mexico, Atole is one that seems to be very popular as well as Aguas Frescas. 

In terms of cocktails, the Paloma and the margarita are two of the most popular cocktails 

What Do So Many Of The Mexican Cocktails Have Tequila In Them? 

As we said before, when most people think of Mexican drinks, they usually think of tequila and margaritas. And it is true, a lot of the popular cocktails include tequila. There is a good reason for this.

Tequila is the national spirit of Mexico! So of course a lot of their drinks have tequila in them. It is something they do really well. 

A fun fact about tequila is that it is made from the agave plant so many of the bottles you see will advertise that it is a hundred percent agave. That’s to show how good the tequila is. 

Another fact about tequila is that it is made in the region that is around the Mexican city of Tequila, called Jalisco. So tequila is named after the area, sort of like Champagne. 

Something that is worth noting about tequila is that you can get different types of it. You may have seen in some stores that there are different colored tequilas in them.

Well, two types of tequila are blanco and reposado. The clear one is often known as Tequila Blanco and the ‘gold’ one is Tequila Resposado.

17 Traditional Mexican Drinks

From the classic margarita to the lesser known chamoyada, these are the traditional Mexican drinks you should try.


  • Pick a recipe from the list above
  • Click the recipe name and visit the website
  • Collect the ingredients and cook the food
  • Enjoy – don’t forget to leave a review
Jess Smith

Mois Pasta

Monday 28th of November 2022

A very good article. Congratulations

Juliana Betry

Tuesday 30th of August 2022

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