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Can You Freeze Carrots?

If you’re just learning to cook, then you’re likely excited and have many questions about the process of cooking in general. If you have an overabundance of freeze carrots and you’d like to use some of them to cook with, but you’d like to store the rest.

You might wonder if you can freeze carrots so they won’t go bad before you can use them.

Freeze Carrots

Like many other fruits and vegetables, you can definitely freeze carrots for your convenience. Now that you’re aware that you can freeze carrots, you might also wonder how to do this best, as well as other aspects of cooking and storing carrots.

Here is a complete overview that answers this question and more. 

Freezing Carrots For Future Recipes

It’s common for people to freeze carrots for future use in recipes if they have a large amount of them and won’t be eating them or using them all in a recipe right away. However, there is a correct way to freeze them for the best results.

Must Carrots Be Cooked Before They’re Frozen?

It isn’t mandatory for vegetable carrots to be cooked before they’re frozen, but carrots that are frozen raw will not retain their flavor like carrots that are blanched first will.

However, if you insist on freezing your carrots in their raw form, then this won’t impact the integrity of the carrots.

The taste could be slightly compromised, but it will depend on several different factors whether your carrots will taste differently or not. These factors include how long they’re frozen, how fresh the carrots are at the time that they’re frozen, and more.

Does Freezing Carrots Alter Their Taste?

Some people may be concerned about carrots tasting differently after being frozen, but carrots should taste just as good after being frozen as they taste when they’re fresh.

However, if you fail to enclose them in an airtight container, then it may compromise the taste somewhat.

This is why it’s essential that you place your carrots in the proper container before placing them in the freezer. Carrots that are blanched before being frozen are also able to retain their flavor more completely than if they were frozen.

Again, carrots that are frozen raw might lose some of their natural flavor through the freezing process. 

Can You Freeze Baby Carrots?

Sure, if you’d like to, you can certainly freeze baby carrots just like you can freeze full-size carrots.

Keep in mind that baby carrots have a milder, sweeter taste and if you freeze them, they will likely lose that delicious taste, unlike regular carrots, which will taste the same in most situations. 

Storing Carrots In Proper Containers Before Freezing

Again, the key to delicious, fresh-tasting carrots that have been frozen is to store them in proper, airtight containers. Another thing to keep in mind is to portion your carrots out prior to freezing them.

If you place all the carrots in one huge container, then you will need to thaw the entire lot of carrots when you want to cook with them.

If you’re going to be making a huge pot of soup using the carrots, then this isn’t a problem, because you will likely use all the carrots at once.

However, if you only want to use small amounts of frozen carrots at a time, then be sure to place the carrots in small, separate bags before freezing.

RELATED: How To Cook Red Lentils

How long Can Carrots Be Left In The Freezer?

If you’re not sure how long you will need to keep your carrots in the freezer, it shouldn’t be a problem. As long as you use the carrots within 10-12 months, they should remain as fresh as the day you froze them.

Even if you can’t use the frozen carrots within a year, the carrots should still be fine beyond a year, but it’s important to use them as soon as possible beyond a year to be on the safe side.

Is It Necessary To Thaw Carrots Before Using Them In Recipes?

Thawing your carrots before using them in a recipe will depend on what you’re using the carrots for. If you’re making a large vegetable stew, then it should be fine to place the frozen carrots directly in the pot.

However, if you’re making something like carrot cake, then you definitely want to thaw the carrot first. Placing frozen carrots in your carrot cake batter would be an absolute disaster, so don’t use the carrots while they’re still frozen. 

What’s The Best Way To Slice Carrots Before Freezing?

There is no specific way to cut carrots prior to freezing them unless you need them to be a specific size for cooking after they’re thawed.

If you’re going to use the carrots in a cake after thawing, then you might want to shred them prior to freezing. 

Are Carrots Healthy?

Freeze Carrots

Although many people following low-carb diets believe that carrots are a higher-carb vegetable that you should stay away from, carrots are actually very healthy.

Not only are carrots high in fiber, but they also contain adequate amounts of vitamins C, K, and A, potassium as well as beta carotene.

Carrots can be enjoyed on just about any eating plan, as they’re tasty, low cost and very versatile, making it easy to incorporate them into just about any recipe. 

Is Carrot Cake Healthy?

Most people believe that because carrot cake has this healthy vegetable as one of its main ingredients, while carrots might add a healthy component to this popular dessert, it isn’t considered healthy.

There are ways to make your carrot cake from scratch in a healthier way, without the immense amount of sugar, butter and other fattening and unhealthy ingredients. Only then could carrot cake be considered healthy, because, otherwise, it isn’t. 

Are Baby Carrots More Nutritious Than Full-Size Carrots?

Many people automatically assume that regular carrots and baby carrots are the exact same nutritionally, but this isn’t true.

While baby carrots aren’t considered to be healthier than regular carrots, baby carrots are higher in levels of lutein and selenium.

Full-size carrots have greater levels of vitamin C and beta carotene. This means that both types of carrots are equally as nutritious, but in different ways. 

Are Carrots Really Good For Your Eyes?

Your parents may have told you how good carrots are for your eyes, and it’s actually true. The high vitamin content found in carrots has the potential to ward off macular degeneration and cataracts, two potentially serious eye conditions.

However, when it comes to your vision in general, carrots don’t automatically improve it. Eaten on a regular basis, along with other healthy foods, carrots can contribute to overall good eye health by preventing diseases from developing. 

What Are Some Popular Ways To Incorporate Carrots Into Your Diet?

Again, carrots are so versatile that they can be incorporated into unlimited amounts of recipes. If you’re in the mood for a healthy side to go with your meal, you can combine shredded carrots with raisins, along with some other vegetables and your favorite dressing.

This can make a delicious and very simple side dish that can be prepared in minutes. 

If you prefer cooked carrots, then the sky is the limit when it comes to the many ways to cook them.

Whether you want to bake some carrots to have with your steak or chicken, or you prefer to have honey-glazed carrots as a sweet side, or something in-between, you can choose exactly how you want your carrots prepared. 

Juicing is another popular way to incorporate carrots into your diet, and if you don’t like the taste of carrot juice alone, then it’s easy to mix in apples, oranges, lemons, ginger, spinach, or any combination of other fruits and vegetables.

If you aren’t sure which fruits and vegetables to juice along with your carrots, then you can check the internet for countless possibilities. 

RELATED: Is Carrot A Vegetable Or Fruit? Here’s What You Need To Know

Choosing Carrots At The Store

If you’ve never shopped for carrots before, then it can be intimidating in the beginning. When you go to the store, there are large bags of full-size carrots, baby carrots, shredded carrots, and so much more. So, how do you choose the carrots that will work for you?

First of all, you need to determine how you’re going to use the carrots. If you like snacking on raw carrots, then most people aren’t going to buy full-size carrots, because not only is the taste somewhat stronger, but it’s harder to bite full-size carrots when they’re not cooked.

For this reason, baby carrots would be your best bet, because they’re easier to eat while raw, and they’re tastier, as well. 

Alternately, if you’re going to be making a pot roast and adding carrots and other vegetables to the meat to place in the oven, then you will likely want full-size carrots to slice, but some people opt for baby carrots instead, because there’s no slicing required and they have a sweeter, more pleasant taste.

Another thing to take into consideration when selecting carrots at the store is whether you want organic or non-organic. Carrots are inexpensive, whether you choose to buy organic or non-organic, and for most people, choosing organic is obviously the smarter choice.

So, if you prefer to purchase carrots with little to no pesticide contamination, then organic is the way to go.  

Can You Eat Carrots For Breakfast?

Freeze Carrots

You can eat carrots for any meal that you would like: breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. Some common ways to consume carrots at breakfast time is in freshly-squeezed juice, added to streusel muffins, in omelets and frittatas and more.

It’s not necessary to follow the norms, because if you want to eat sauteed carrots along with boiled eggs for breakfast, others might believe it’s weird, but as long as you like it, then that’s all that matters. 

Some people like putting shredded carrots on their pancakes or even in the batter. This can give your pancakes a distinct flavor while enhancing the overall nutrition of your pancakes at the same time. 

What Are Some Alternatives To Carrots For People Who Dislike Them?

For people who want to include healthier vegetables in their diets but they don’t particularly care for carrots, there are other vegetables that can be consumed instead. For a person looking for an orange vegable to substitute for carrots, sweet potato is a possibility.

Although sweet potatoes have a different nutritional profile than carrots, sweet potatoes are still very healthy, but just in a different way than carrots. 

If a person who dislikes carrots is looking for a similar root vegetable to consume instead, then there are parsnips, zucchini, squash, beets, turnips, and more.

All of these vegetables can be cooked like carrots, but their taste will be completely different, and hopefully, more tolerable. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions regarding freezing and eating carrots in general.

Can You Thaw Frozen Carrots By Leaving Them On The Counter For Hours?

It is not recommended that carrots be thawed by leaving them on the counter, as they would lose a great deal of water and become mushy. Instead, you have three choices: place them in soups and stews while they’re still frozen, thaw them in the microwave oven, or thaw them in the refrigerator. 

What’s The Proper Way To Use Frozen Carrots For Making Baby Food?

Since you obviously can’t blend frozen carrots, you will need to thaw them in the proper manner and then add water before placing the thawed carrots into a food processor or blender.

Is It Better To Purchase Frozen Carrots From The Store Or Prepare And Freeze Your Own?

This is a matter of personal preference, and if you don’t have a lot of time to prepare and freeze your own carrots, then it’s perfectly acceptable to buy your carrots already frozen from your local grocery store.

Freezing Carrots For Future Recipes

Freezing Carrots For Future Recipes

Prep Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 3 hours
Difficulty: Easy

Fresh carrots require blanching before they can be properly frozen. This process is quick and easy and can be accomplished in 2 1/2 hours (this includes quick freezing for 1-2 hours).


  • All the carrots that require freezing
  • Ice cubes


  • A large paring knife
  • Cutting board
  • A large colander
  • A vegetable peeler
  • A straw
  • A large pot
  • A large bowl
  • A large baking sheet


Here are step-by-step instructions for freezing your carrots, as you don't want to simply throw them in a bag and then freeze them. By following these steps, you will ensure that your carrots are able to retain their taste and texture after thawing.

Step 1 - Sort, wash, and slice fresh carrots using the cutting board. Make sure there aren't any shriveled, dried out, or discolored carrots. If freezing baby carrots, it's not necessary to slice them first. Peel the carrots so they're ready when you want to thaw and use them. 

Step 2 - Boil water in a large pot that is 2/3 of the way filled. Place the sliced or baby carrots in the water and boil them for two minutes. Baby carrots should be boiled for five minutes.

Step 3 - After boiling them, quickly remove the carrots from the heat and immediately place them in a bowl of ice and water. This process will prevent them from continuing to cook and becoming rubbery.

Step 4 - Drain the carrots in the colander, and make sure they're completely dry.

Step 5 - Place the carrots on the baking sheet, ensuring that they're separated and not touching. Then place them in the freezer for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. This is a flash freezing process that prevents the carrots from sticking together while frozen. 

Step 6 - Remove the carrots from the freezer, portion them and place them in several different bags. This will depend on the number of carrots you have as well as how many separate portions you desire. If you desire to create vacuum-sealed bags, use the straw to suck out excess air. This can make sure your carrots don't become freezer-burned and that they taste great anytime you use them.

Step 7 - Date and label each bag and place the bagged carrots in the freezer. Now you can easily add carrots to any future recipe that you desire!

Jess Smith

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