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Perfect Ways To Know Does A Banana Have Seeds With Different Taste

 In this quick guide we take a look at whether a banana has seeds, where to find them, and why they have been genetically modified for commercial consumption.

So, let’s get to it!

Does a Banana Have Seeds (The “Hidden” Truth!)

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Do Bananas Have Seeds Inside?

Bananas are easy to eat, so no wonder they are one of the most common kinds of fruit consumed by the western world. They are very tasty, and kids enjoy peeling the skin away to eat them.

However, one of the things you may have always wondered is why bananas are classed as a fruit if they don’t have any seeds. Well, they are a fruit and they do have seeds inside them. 

In fact, more specifically bananas are a fruit because the seeds that they have are the same seeds that they grow from. However, it is very likely that you have never, ever seen the seed of a banana.

You will never spot those seeds because they are tiny. They are so small that they hide away within the flesh of the fruit.

Even so, it hasn’t always been this way. Humans have played a big part in how bananas have changed for consumption.

Due to the changes in breeding of bananas, they both taste and look different. So, with this in mind, let’s take a look at why you cannot see any seeds inside that banana. 

Why Have Commercial Bananas Been Changed To Include Tiny Seeds?

Over time, bananas have been bred genetically to keep up with the palette of the western world. This means that the bananas you buy from the grocery store are highly likely not even grown from a seed.

Wild bananas do still exist, but once opened, they look different to what we are used to, and have a slightly different taste too.

So, whilst we might see primates enjoying a banana or two in the jungle (on TV), it doesn’t mean we are sharing the same snack!

However, the bananas you do have in the kitchen do have seeds, though they are small and ‘hidden’. They have been modified to lose their large seeds as they don’t look very appetizing.

But, there is more to why bananas don’t have seeds anymore.

Farmers discovered that some banana plants had mutations where the plants themselves couldn’t produce seeds.

They removed a cutting to create more of these plants, and realized they no longer needed any seeds to farm lots of bananas.

The farmers who produce bananas in high amounts do so for commercial consumption, and they avoid growing bananas that have seeds due to the western world not being familiar with them. 

What Is The Science Of ‘Seedless’ Bananas?

When it comes to seedless bananas, it is all to do with the imbalance of their chromosomes.

The banana plants that are around today to create the fruit for the modern world have three sets when it comes to chromosomes, also known as a triploid.

Usually, a banana would have one set of chromosomes from each of its parents, but this modern plant receives two sets of chromosomes from one parent and only one from the other.

They are then propagated asexually during a process known as parthenocarpy. It basically means that the plant has developed without the need for being fertilized.

This then creates the banana that doesn’t include seeds. 

Why Are ‘Seedless’ Bananas Beneficial For Consumers?

We couldn’t imagine a life with bananas which have big seeds, and there is a reason for that. It is likely that ‘original’ bananas didn’t do well outside of its natural environment, and that means that they weren’t commercially viable.

These days bananas have been created to benefit a global pallet due to the fact they are much sweeter than their natural counterparts.

They also have tiny seeds that are not noticeable which are much easier to eat compared to having to pick the seeds out. 

It makes for an easier, and happier experience of eating the banana. Also, this discovery has also led to bananas being able to have a longer shelf life once removed from the plant.

This makes them ideal as commercial fruit. 

However, if you do look at a banana, you will see the tiny seeds. They have no purpose anymore, and are there to give the banana a desirable look. 

Does a Banana Have Seeds (The “Hidden” Truth!) (1)

RELATED: How Long Does Banana Pudding Last?

Does A Wild Banana Contain Seeds?

Yes, wild bananas do have seeds within them, hence why they are indeed a fruit!

Wild bananas are not seen as edible due to all those seeds being in the way, and are grown within remote places like a valley or jungle.

However, a banana plant in the wild is wonderful. They have thick and long leaves that stretch upwards. The stem itself is strong and thick – very much different compared to a banana plant which is for commercial use.

These wild bananas have seeds within them and do not look very appetizing. The seeds are considered to be as large as something like a pea. Imagine having to pick them out every time you eat a banana?

Whilst they may not seem to look very nice, they are still very important. We need these banana plants to grow more natural plants. 

Is It Safe To Eat A Wild Banana?

It is perfectly safe to consume a wild banana. However, it all depends on the type of wild banana, and where it is located. This is because some wild bananas you will not be able to reach, whilst others are just a different type.

And, here is something to get you thinking: not every wild banana has noticeable seeds within them.

One of the things that is widely mistaken is that every single wild banana has big seeds in them. Whilst they do have seeds still, they are smaller and less noticeable. 

One type of banana is the ‘baby banana’ or ‘lady fingers’ which can be found in Costa Rica. It is said to not include seeds due to it ripening very fast and being ready to eat.

A lot of people enjoy this kind of banana and say it tastes delicious. It is also considered a wild variety too. 

They have a creamy taste that isn’t familiar with a lot of banana varieties, and have a bright yellow skin. One of the ways to know if this banana is ripe is to check if it has any brown colored dots on the skin. 

Even if you wanted to try a really, really wild banana, you likely wouldn’t find one. They grow in extremely remote areas like forests and jungles, and the plant itself can grow tall and into weird, yet wonderful, shapes.

If you tried to peel the banana, you may also find that it isn’t the same as a commercial banana. Also, the look of the banana is duller, and they don’t have that same bright color that we associate with them. 

Whilst a wild banana is generally safe to eat, if you do come across a wild plant, always take one from the top if possible. This is because you will have no idea if any chemicals or pesticides have been used that could cause harm to you.

Also, birds and bugs may have spread bacteria around the bananas which could also cause you harm, so it is always better to be safe than sorry!

Are Banana Seeds Safe To Eat?

There is a very low chance that you are going to ever consume a banana with seeds, but if you ever did, just know that it is very safe to eat the seeds of a banana.

They will not poison you, though there is another reason you might not want to eat the seeds.

This is because they can be quite hard and large, and if you find a banana with seeds, you might even notice how there are so many seeds that once you spend time removing them, there won’t be much of the banana to eat.

This means that finding and eating a wild banana really just isn’t worth the hassle. Whilst the banana and its seeds are absolutely okay to eat, there is usually no point in doing so.

Not only that, bananas which have the larger seeds are a lot smaller in size. So you will find it difficult to eat any of the flesh which is said to be cheiwer as well.

However, having said all that, there are wild bananas out there which do not have prominent seeds and that are said to be very delicious to consume. 

Is A Seeded Banana Enjoyable To Eat?

As we stated before, bananas with seeds aren’t so enjoyable to consume, hence why we are not sold them in grocery stores.

If you found a wild banana which had seeds in it, there is a high chance that the banana would be small in size, with big seeds inside that are very hard, and not much flesh to consume because of these large seeds.

So, with that being said, no, seeded bananas are not enjoyable to eat, yet as we have already stated, they are safe to eat. However, why would you want to eat a seeded banana that is chewy and lumpy?

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Fruit Has No Seed?

A fruit with no seed is a fruit that is seedless. For example, an avocado is a fruit with no seed. Cherry, strawberry, plum, and strawberry are some of the famous fruits that have no seeds. The berries are sweet, juicy, and very easy to eat.

Are Seedless Bananas Natural?

Seedless bananas are usually considered natural because they are not genetically modified.  These seeds are inside the fruit and are the fruit’s baby bananas. The fruit can be eaten, but these babies cannot be seen without the fruit being cut open.

Which Fruits Have Only One Seed?

There are many different fruits that are categorized as berries. There are berries with two seeds and berries with one seed. A fruit that has only one seed is a grape. Some common examples of fruits with a single seed include cherries, plums, peaches, and apricots.
Jess Smith


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