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3 Easy Ways To Soak Chia Seeds For A Delicious Healthy Snack 

Quick Answer: How Do You Soak Chia Seeds?

To achieve a thicker consistency of chia seeds and make a meal out of it, chia seeds can be soaked 3 different ways. The first method entails soaking the seeds in water in order to create what is called “chia gel.” For a creamier consistency, you can also use milk or an alternative such as almond milk if you are lactose intolerant or vegan. Finally, for a more substantial end result, you can also soak your chia seeds in yogurt.

With the onset of smoothie bowls, chia seeds have become increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this, but before we get into the details, let’s talk about what chia seeds actually are. 

Chia seeds come from a flower native to the mint family that grows in two central regions: central and south Mexico, as well as the southwestern United States. 

Chia seeds don’t possess a strong flavor on their own, which is why they are often seen being used in dishes such as smoothie bowls and salads.  

One of the great things about chia seeds is their ability to change in texture. Chia seeds can absorb 12 times their weight in liquid. This inevitably alters the seed into a thicker and more gel-type consistency, making it easier to consume. 

Creating this alternate texture is super simple and can be done in three different ways depending on your preference. 

The first method entails soaking the seeds in water in order to create the authentic “chia gel.” For a creamier consistency, you can also use milk or an alternative such as almond or oat milk if you are lactose intolerant or vegan. Finally, for a more substantial end result, you can also soak your chia seeds in yogurt. 

Chia seeds are full of health benefits, including containing high amounts of fiber, protein, omega-3, as well as a variety of minerals and antioxidants. 

In addition, because chia seeds that have been soaked cause your digestion to slow down, you will stay full for longer, making it the perfect addition to your diet if you’re trying to lose weight. 

With all of these benefits, it’s impossible not to try these nutrient-dense snacks. 

For a full review of how exactly you can soak your chia seeds and make them a part of your weekly meal prep, make sure to keep reading. 

How To Soak Chia Seeds In Water? 

If the aim is to create a “chia gel,” then understanding the ratios between water and chia seeds is critical, as messing this up can leave you with a mixture that is either too thick or too runny. 

However, when done correctly, you will end up with a lovely blend perfect for combining with your favorite morning snack.

Plus, you will be able to take advantage of all the health benefits, such as healthy blood sugar levels. 

Pro Tips

  • The measurements for this are for a chia gel that will be more on the thicker side. If you wish to have a more runny gel, simply add in a few more tablespoons of water. 
  • It’s important that whether you use a container or mason jar, the lid should be able to fit on tightly. This ensures that the mixture does not lose any moisture or that odors from other foods in the fridge don’t transfer to the gel. 
  • Keeping as much moisture in the container/jar as possible will also help the chia seeds to absorb more water, making them expand faster. 
  • Remember that chia seeds don’t have much flavor and this also applies to the gel form. To best compliment it, pair it with foods such as yogurt, smoothies, sauces for salads and pudding. 
  • Although they don’t have much flavor, chia seeds will definitely increase the nutritional value!
  • The longer you allow your chia seeds to sit in liquid, the more plump they will become (which is why it is often recommended you leave them overnight in the fridge)

How To Soak Chia Seeds In Milk?

Soaking chia seeds in milk will not only make your chia mixture more creamy it will also provide it with added flavor. 

You can simply use regular milk, but if you are either lactose intolerant, a vegan, or prefer an alternative milk, you can also do this (we personally think vanilla and almond milk add a lovely taste to chia gel). 

For more info on how to mix chia seeds this way, check out the table below: 

Pro Tips

  • The measurements for this are a chia gel that will be more on the thicker side. If you wish to have a more runny gel simply add in a few tablespoons more milk. 
  • It’s important that whether you use a container or mason jar, the lid should be able to fit on tightly. This ensures that the mixture does not lose any moisture or that odors from other foods in the fridge don’t transfer to the gel. 
  • Keeping as much moisture in the container/jar as possible will also help the chia seeds to absorb more milk, making it expand faster. 
  • Mixing your chia seeds with milk makes for the perfect breakfast treat. To elevate it more, try pairing it with nuts, honey, maple syrup or fruit!
  • If you’re a person who is often in a hurry in the morning, this is also a great time-saver!
  • To ensure your chia mixture doesn’t go bad more quickly, don’t add these toppings until you are ready to serve them. 
  • If you are preparing this for a larger group, you can double or even triple the recipe. Just remember that it can only be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.

How To Soak Your Chia Seeds In Yogurt? 

For a chia mixture that is more substantial, you can also combine your seeds with your favorite yogurt. 

The key to this approach is all in the type of yogurt you use: a yogurt with a thinner consistency is preferable as the chia seeds will be able to absorb the moisture more easily. 

Here’s what you need to know:

Pro Tips

  • Because yogurt is thicker than water or milk, the chia seeds need to sit longer in the fridge to give them enough time to absorb the moisture. 
  • If you would like to use greek yogurt, which tends to be on the thicker side, you can use an equal ratio of milk to help create a thinner consistency. 
  • Mixing your chia seeds with yogurt  makes for the perfect breakfast treat. To elevate it more, try pairing it with nuts, honey, maple syrup or fruit!
  • If you’re a person who is often in a hurry in the morning, this is also a great time-saver!
  • To ensure your chia mixture doesn’t go bad more quickly, don’t add these toppings until you are ready to serve them. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Eat Chia Seeds Without Soaking Them?

While the eating experience may not be as pleasant as when your chia seeds are soaked, you can eat them as is. 

It is, however, not recommended to eat large quantities of dry chia seeds as it could be harmful to your health. The best way to eat them dry is mixed in with something moist such as yogurt or in a smoothie bowl. 

How Do You Store Soaked Chia Seeds?

Once you have soaked your chia seeds, they can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. 

It’s important that you store your chia mixture in either an airtight container or mason jar with a tight lid, as this will prevent odors from other foods from transferring to the chia, and it will also ensure no moisture can escape (more moisture means the chia will expand faster). 

What Pairs Well With Chia Seeds?

Because chia seeds are virtually tasteless, they are more versatile and can be paired with a variety of different foods, including:

  • Smoothies/smoothie bowl
  • Salad dressing 
  • Cookies 
  • Granola 
  • Protein bars 
  • Jam 
  • Cereal 
  • Cookies 
  • Chia drinks 

Basically, anytime you want to add a little nutritional value to your dish, add a little chia! 

For soaked chia seeds, you can mix your milk or yogurt blend with foods such as honey, fruit, nuts, granola, maple syrup and, for a sweet treat, some chocolate shavings!

Are Chia Seeds Healthy? 

Chia seeds are packed full of nutritional benefits. Some of these benefits include containing high amounts of fiber, protein, omega-3, as well as a variety of minerals and antioxidants. 

The result of these benefits includes a lower risk of developing a heart condition as they aid in lowering blood pressure, as well as improving your digestive health. The latter is specific to soaked chia seeds.

Because chia seeds that have been soaked cause digestion to slow down, you will stay full for longer, making it the perfect addition to your diet if you’re trying to lose weight. 

How Many Chia Seeds Can You Eat Per Day?

The limit of how many chia seeds you can eat in a day depends on whether or not you are eating them soaked. 

Eating dry chia seeds in large quantities is discouraged, as it can dehydrate you. 

However, if you’re eating soaked chia seeds, you can eat up to 20 grams (this is equivalent to 1.5 tablespoons) at a time, a maximum of twice a day. 

  • Chia seeds are high in fiber and, if you eat too much of it, you may develop digestive problems. 
chia seeds

How To Soak Chia Seeds In Water?

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Rest Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 32 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Chia seeds are placed in a water-filled container and shaken twice with a small resting period in between, before sitting in the fridge for up to 2 hours.


  • ⅓ Chia seeds
  • 1 Cup Water


  • Airtight container or mason jar
  • Measuring cups


  • Retrieve your chia seeds 
  • Measure 2 cups of semi-warm water and pour it into an airtight container or mason jar 
  • Add in ⅓ cup of chia seeds to the water-filled container/jar
  • Seal the lid tightly and shake the container/jar for 15 seconds 
  • Set the mixture onto the counter and let it rest for 1 minute 
  • Shake the mixture again for an additional 15 seconds 
  • Place the chia seed and water mixture into the fridge and allow it to sit for up to two hours or until a thick gel has formed. 

chia seeds

How To Soak Chia Seeds In Milk?

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Rest Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 2 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Chia seeds are placed in a milk-filled container and shaken twice with a small resting period in between, before sitting in the fridge for up to 2 hours or overnight if eating for breakfast. 


  • ¼ Chia seeds
  • 1 Cup milk of choice


  • Airtight container or mason jar
  • Measuring cups


  • Retrieve your chia seeds 
  • Measure 1 cup of milk of your choice and pour it into an airtight container or mason jar 
  • Add in ¼ cup of chia seeds to the milk-filled container/jar
  • Seal the lid tightly and shake the container/jar for 15 seconds 
  • Set the mixture onto the counter and let it rest for 1 minute 
  • Shake the mixture again for an additional 15 seconds 
  • Place the chia seed and milk mixture into the fridge and allow it to sit for up to two hours or overnight if you are eating it for breakfast
chia seeds

How To Soak Your Chia Seeds In Yogurt?

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Active Time: 8 hours
Total Time: 8 hours 2 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Chia seeds are mixed with yogurt and then stored in the fridge for up to 12 hours or overnight.


  • ¼ Chia seeds
  • 1 Cup of yogurt


  • Airtight container or mason jar
  • Measuring cups


  • Retrieve your chia seeds 
  • Measure 1 cup of yogurt and put it in the container or jar 
  • Add in ¼ cup of chia seeds to the yogurt 
  • Stir the mixture together thoroughly 
  • Place the chia seed and yogurt mixture into the fridge and allow it to sit for between 8-12 hours or overnight
Jess Smith

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Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

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Friday 14th of April 2023

I don't think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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