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Have Leftover Pie Crust? Here Are 10 Genius Ways To Use It!

Wasting food is sadly a common occurrence in today’s world but many people are on a mission to make use of leftovers to make new and delicious creations to minimize food waste.

Have Leftover Pie Crust? Here Are 10 Genius Ways To Use It!

Whether you bake pies once every few months or make them weekly, chances are there’s some leftover pie crust lying around from time to time.

And, while you may usually throw it out, leftover pie crust can actually be put to many different uses.

So, do you have leftover pie crust? Here are 10 genius ways to use it, from making delicious breadcrumbs to adding flavor to soup!

1. Make Quiche/Mini Pizzas

Have Leftover Pie Crust Make Quiche

Making quiche is awesome because you don’t have to worry about having enough ingredients or measuring out exact amounts.

You can make a meal for the entire family by whipping up a simple quiche using leftover pie crust.

Here are three different kinds to try:

  • Ham and cheese: simply mix together a sup of milk, ham and cheese – add some seasoning of your choice and bake for 45 mins.
  • Garden veggie: Simply add cooked veg (leftovers are fine) add the milk and bake. You can use any veg such as: tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, onions, beans etc.
  • Chicken and mushroom: Replace the ham/veg with chicken and follow the above.

If you don’t like making big pizzas, here’s another way to eat your leftover pie crust.

Take half of your leftover pie dough and cut it into small pieces. Place each piece of dough onto a lightly greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 minutes. Let cool completely and then slice into bite sized slices and serve.

2. Pot Pie

Have Leftover Pie Crust Pot Pie

Pot pies are the ultimate comfort food, and what better way to use up pie crust than to make another pie (albeit a mini one).

They’re easy to prepare, delicious, and great for entertaining.

You can use whatever meat you like in this pie, but we recommend adding some veggies to boost nutrition.

Try leftover roasted vegetables or sautéed mushrooms. Don’t forget about the sauce!

This is where you add flavor. Use gravy or even ketchup.

Whatever you choose, just keep in mind that the sauce shouldn’t overpower the filling.

Meat pies are great because they’re super simple to make. They’re also incredibly versatile.

You can add whatever ingredients you like – veggies, cheese, beans, etc. – and they’ll taste just as good.

Plus, they freeze well, too, making them a great option for busy weeknights.

3. Make Cookies

Have Leftover Pie Crust cookies

Did you know you can make delicious homemade cookies from a single slice of pie crust? And it couldn’t be easier.

All you do is cut your leftover pie crust into circles, sprinkle them with cinnamon and brown sugar, and bake it for eight minutes.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for quick cookies:

  1. Cut out a small wedge of pie crust.
  2. Pinch the edges of the wedge together to form a circle.
  3. Sprinkle the inside of the circle with cinnamon and brown sugar.
  4. Roll the circle up like a jelly roll.
  5. Slice the cookie into 1/8 inch slices.
  6. Place the slices on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake them for 8 minutes.

The perfect snack for all the family!

4. Pop Tarts

Have Leftover Pie Crust pop tarts

Homemade pop-tarts are a great way to introduce kids to baking.

They’re easy enough for even little ones to make and don’t require much skill.

Plus, they taste amazing! Furthermore, you don’t need to worry about making pastry, as you can just use the leftovers.

There are tons of recipes online for pop tarts just find one you like and miss out the pastry making pop tarts.

What’s Not To Love!

5. Make Crackers

Have Leftover Pie Crust Crackers

Have you ever tried making homemade crackers? We’ve got some tips on how to make it easier and less messy.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and gather up your pie crust scraps.

You’ll want bigger ones as small ones tend to burn faster.

Coat them with a little olive or vegetable oil and your choice of seasoning, such as garlic powder, salt and pepper, etc.

Then place them onto a baking sheet and bake them for about 8-10 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

Allow them to cool slightly, then enjoy as-is or use them for dipping into dips or sauces. Yum!

6. Cheese Straws

Have Leftover Pie Crust Cheese Straws

Cheese Straws are super simple to make and require just three ingredients: pizza dough, shredded mozzarella cheese, and Parmesan cheese.

If you aren’t using leftovers you can use whatever type of pizza dough recipe you like, but we recommend making one batch of pizza dough and freezing half of it for future use.

When you’re ready to bake some cheese straws, simply thaw out the frozen dough and roll it out onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Then sprinkle the cheese mixture evenly across the surface of the dough. Bake at 400°F for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Let cool completely before cutting into pieces.

Once baked, store the straws in resealable bags or airtight containers for up to five days.

To serve, cut each piece into four equal wedges.

Serve with crackers, breadsticks, or pretzels. Ideal snacks for a party!

7. Ice Cream Dessert

Have Leftover Pie Crust Ice Cream Dessert

If you’ve got leftovers of pie dough lying around, it might just be the inspiration you need to whip up a fancy dessert.

This recipe uses leftover pie crust to turn into a delicious homemade ice cream.


  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup frozen fruit (optional)

Pie Crust Ingredients: (If You Don’t Already Have Them)

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons butter, cold and cubed


In a medium saucepan over low heat, combine the milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla.

Cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through. Remove from the heat.

Add the frozen fruit, if desired, and stir well.

Let cool completely, then transfer to an airtight container and chill thoroughly.

Freeze overnight. To serve, scoop into bowls and drizzle with additional whipped cream, if desired.

8. Empanadas

Have Leftover Pie Crust empanadas

If you’re looking for something quick and easy to serve up for dinner tonight, look no further!

These delicious empanadas are perfect for serving family and friends.

They’re full of flavor and are super simple to whip up. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about wasting leftover pie crust again.

You can make these with just about anything you like.

You can use ground beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb…the list goes on. Just remember, you want to keep it lean.

We suggest using 85% lean ground beef because it’s what we had on hand, but feel free to substitute whatever you’d prefer.

Fill the leftover crust with some filling, fold over the edges, and press down gently to seal. Repeat with remaining dough and fillings.

Bake in an air fryer at 400°F for 10 minutes, or bake in a conventional oven at 375°F for 15 to 20 minutes. Serve warm.

9. Sundae Toppings/Ice Cream Pie

Have Leftover Pie CrustIce Cream Pie

For a quick and easy way to use up pie crusts try breaking them up, adding some spices such as cinnamon or mixed spice and top your favorite ice cream with them.


Ice cream pie is perfect for summer parties, birthdays, and family gatherings.

You don’t even have to bake it, as you are using your leftover pie crust.

All you need are some store bought ingredients, like vanilla ice cream, chocolate sprinkles and you’re ready to go!

You can experiment with different flavors.

For example, vanilla bean ice cream with mint chocolate chip sauce and chocolate sprinkles makes a great summertime treat.

Strawberry ice cream with leftover pie crust and chopped strawberries tastes like a sweet dessert pizza.

10. Cherry Pie Pops

Have Leftover Pie CrustCherry Pie Pops

These cute little desserts are ideal for a party. You can even use them as a gift for a loved one.

Simply use a pastry cutter (ideally heart shaped) to achieve your desired shape.

Fill it with cherry jam, fruit or spices and pop it on a stick. An instant sweet treat.

Top Tips For Pastry Making

In order to have leftover crust in the first place you need to have some decent pastry/dough.

However, making dough isn’t the easiest thing to get right so here are some tips.

Work Quickly

The French call it l’apprentissage du métier, meaning “learning one’s trade.” In baking, it means working fast.

And this advice applies to many aspects of cooking—from prepping vegetables and meats to mixing dough to rolling pasta.

Rest Rest Rest

If you are making puff pastry, there are three steps that you absolutely must follow.

These three steps allow the proteins in the flour to relax and let the butter melt into the dough without creating holes.

This is what makes the pastry flaky and delicious.

The first step is resting. After rolling out the dough, cover it with plastic wrap or greaseproof paper and refrigerate it.

You want to wait about 15 minutes before doing anything else with the dough.

When you take it out of the fridge, the dough needs to come to room temperature. At this stage, it is ready to be rolled.

Roll Again

Next gently pick up the dough and fold it over itself several times. Roll it out again and repeat the process.

Continue folding and rolling until the dough is large enough to fit into the baking pan.


Once the dough is folded and rolled, place it in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Take it out of the freezer and cut off a small section of the dough.

Place it on a lightly floured surface and use a bench scraper to scrape away any excess flour.

Gently stretch the dough into a circle. Fold the dough in half and turn the edge under so that it looks like a crescent shape.

Repeat this process with the remaining dough.


Place the dough in a 13 x 9 inch baking dish. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or greasing paper and return it to the refrigerator.

Allow the dough to chill for 30 minutes.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, unwrap it, and preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Avoid The Sog

The best way to achieve a perfect pie crust is to let it cool completely before baking.

This ensures that you don’t end up with a soggy bottom crust.

If you’re making a sweet pie, you’ll want to bake it longer than a savory pie. A sweet pastry needs about 10 minutes more than a savory one does.


Using up leftovers is a great way to save money and get creative with your food. You may even discover culinary delights you want to add to your regular recipes.

Thankfully there are many ways to use up leftover pie crust and by following our guide for the perfect pastry you’ll be enjoying it again and again.

Happy baking!

Have Leftover Pie Crust? Here Are 10 Genius Ways To Use It!

Discover some unique ways to use pie crust as well as tips and tricks to achieve the perfect pastry dough.


  • Make Quiche/Mini Pizzas

  • Pot Pie

  • Make Cookies

  • Pop Tarts

  • Make Crackers

  • Cheese Straws

  • Ice Cream Dessert

  • Empanadas

  • Sundae Toppings/Ice Cream Pie

  • Cherry Pie Pops


  • Pick a recipe from the list above
  • Click the recipe name
  • Collect the ingredients and cook the food
  • Enjoy – don’t forget to leave a review

Recipe Video

Jess Smith