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Can You Make Boiled Eggs in the Microwave?

If you love to enjoy boiled eggs as a healthy snack that can be easily prepared in hardly any time at all, then you might be wondering if it is possible to make them in the microwave. This would make the process even more convenient, so why not, right?

Boiled eggs taste good, and they can even be prepared in advance and kept in the refrigerator for when you feel like having a snack. Although, sometimes it can be a hassle to boil water and wait for the eggs to cook.

Can You Make Boiled Eggs in the Microwave1

So, if you are wondering if boiled eggs can be cooked in the microwave, then you have come to the right place. This is something that we are going to be exploring in this article, so you can find out. Just keep reading to find out everything that you need to know about cooking boiled eggs.

Can You Make Boiled Eggs in the Microwave?

Yes, you can make boiled eggs in the microwave if you don’t want to boil a pan of water. Thankfully, the entire process is very easy and straightforward.

Boiled eggs are a great healthy snack that you can enjoy at home, and they are really simple and easy to make, which is a great added bonus. 

Boiled eggs are the perfect snack to make if you are low on time, and you can even prepare them in advance and keep them in the refrigerator, so you can enjoy them on the go when you need a snack to tide you over.

They require much less time to make than other cooking alternatives, and they also don’t make any mess when you are preparing and cooking them, which is a great advantage. As well as this, if you make them in the microwave, you don’t have to wash up any pots and pans. 

The Quick Method Of Microwaving Boiled Eggs

If you want to make boiled eggs in the microwave, you simply need to follow these steps.

  1. Boil 2 cups of water and a teaspoon of salt in a microwave safe bowl by heating it up in the microwave.
  2. Poke a hole in the bottom of the egg and put it into the hot water.
  3. Cover the bowl with a microwavable lid and then microwave it on a medium power level for 2 minutes.
  4. Keep the egg in the hot water for at least 1 minute if you want a soft boiled egg, or 4 minutes if you want a hard boiled egg.

As you can see, the process of microwaving eggs to make boiled eggs is really simple and easy to do, and it doesn’t make any mess. The times will vary depending on how many eggs that you want to make, but the process is the same.

Can I Microwave Whole Eggs?

Yes, you can put whole eggs in the microwave, but there are some things that you should keep in mind throughout the process.

If you don’t follow the right method, then it is possible for the eggs to explode, which is only going to create a mess and make things more difficult than they have to be.

The first thing that you will need to do is to microwave a bowl of water. You should make sure that you are using a microwave-safe bowl to avoid any accidents.

You will need to set the timer for around 3 minutes on a 50% power level, and ensure that the water is boiling hot when you take it out. There must also be enough water to fully submerge the eggs in it. 

As we have already mentioned, you will then need to poke a hole in the bottom of the eggs by using either a wooden pick or a safety pin. Once you have done this and your water is hot, you can go ahead and put all of your eggs into the bowl of hot water. 

The next thing that you will need to do is cover the bowl by using either a microwaveable lid or plate. Either method will work, but this is essential if you want your eggs to cook, as you are trapping all of the heat inside of the bowl.

You should set the timer on the microwave for a further 3 minutes on half power. If you prefer to have a runny yolk in your boiled eggs, you should take the eggs out and peel them once they have been sitting in the water for an extra minute.

However, if you prefer a harder yolk, then you should keep the eggs in the water for an extra 3 or 4 minutes, depending on how cooked you want them to be. This part is all down to personal preference. 

Is it Safe to Microwave Eggs?

Yes, it is completely safe to boil your eggs in the microwave as long as you are following the above method and taking care when you do so. The last thing that you want is for your eggs to explode, as this is only going to make your task harder when it comes to cleaning up. 

Whole eggs can be a bit difficult to cook in the microwave at times, and this is because they can explode if they are overheated. Although, there are some helpful tips that you can make note of to prevent this from happening. We will leave a list of helpful tips for you to read about below:

  • Use salt water instead of normal water when you are boiling your eggs in the microwave
  • Always poke holes in the bottom part of the eggs to stop them from exploding
  • Make sure that you let the eggs sit in the hot water for at least a minute before you go ahead and serve them
  • Bathe the eggs in cold water before you peel them as this will help to cool the shell and make them much easier to peel

If you follow all of these instructions, your eggs shouldn’t explode due to overheating, so you should be sure to do all of the above when you are microwaving boiled eggs. 

How Long Should I Microwave Boiled Eggs For?

The cooking time for microwaving boiled eggs can vary, depending on how cooked you would like them to be. If you like to eat soft boiled eggs, then you won’t have to wait as long as you would for hard boiled eggs.

You can expect soft boiled eggs to take around 3 minutes to cook in the microwave, whereas hard boiled eggs will take around 7 minutes to cook in total. The cooking time can also vary slightly depending on the wattage of your microwave and its overall heating capacity.

Boiling Whole Eggs in the Microwave

Can You Make Boiled Eggs in the Microwave

If you are ready to boil whole eggs in the microwave, you will be happy to know that you can do so quickly and easily. If you are doing this for the first time, then we highly recommend that you stick to the guidelines that we have provided for you if you are looking to get the best possible results.

Preparing eggs in the microwave is hassle and mess free, and pretty much anyone can do it with the right method to follow. The best part about microwaving boiling eggs is that it is much more convenient to do than your standard stovetop preparations.

Hard Boiled or Soft Boiled Eggs?

The very first thing that you will need to determine when it comes to microwaving hard boiled eggs is whether you want to create soft or hard boiled eggs.

Ultimately, it is up to you to choose which one you prefer, but soft boiled eggs will have a soft and runny yolk, whereas hard boiled eggs will have a harder and more powdery yolk.

Soft Boiled Eggs

If you have decided that you want to cook soft boiled eggs in your microwave, then you should know that it only usually takes between 3 and 4 minutes to do so. The egg white will be completely cooked, but the yolk will still be a bit runny.

Hard Boiled Eggs

On the other hand, if you have chosen to make hard boiled eggs in the microwave because you don’t like your yolks runny, then you will need to increase the cooking time. It usually takes around 6 to 7 minutes to cook a hard boiled egg in the microwave. 

The end result that you will be able to create is a firm white outside and a hard yolk in the middle. Once the yolk has been overcooked, you should know that it will no longer be yellow, and it will instead turn to a blue/gray color.

So, if you notice this color change, know that it is completely normal and your eggs have not gone bad.

Can I Reheat My Boiled Eggs in the Microwave?

If you have already made and prepared your hard boiled eggs, but you now simply want to reheat them in the microwave before you serve them, then you should know that it is perfectly fine to do so.

There is no reason why you can’t reheat your boiled eggs in the microwave, but the reheating time will not be the same as the cooking time that we have mentioned above.

One of the best ways for you to reheat boiled eggs in the microwave would be to microwave some water in a microwave safe bowl until it is boiling hot.

Once you have done this, you can place your boiled eggs in the hot water and allow them to sit for 10 minutes. This will allow them to warm up slowly on the inside.

You could also choose to microwave the boiled eggs, but we don’t recommend that you do this, as it is possible for the egg to explode.

Although, if you are set on simply placing the boiled eggs in the microwave to reheat them, then you should always remove the shell of the eggs and put them in a moist paper towel. This will prevent any mess if the egg does explode. 

Set the timer for 30 seconds at a time until the eggs reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees fahrenheit. If you reheat the egg for longer than this, then it is likely that it will be overdone.

Tips to Help You Microwave Boiled Eggs

No matter what you are cooking, there will always be certain things that you can do to make sure that the process goes smoothly, and this is no different for cooking boiled eggs in the microwave. For the best results, you should:

  • Use salt water for boiling the eggs, as the salt will lower the boiling point and prevent intense heat that otherwise would make the egg explode
  • Poke a hole in the bottom of the egg to allow room for the egg to expand as pressure builds inside of it
  • Keep an eye on the time to avoid overcooking or undercooking the eggs. Remember, hard boiled eggs will take longer to cook than soft boiled eggs. Change the cooking time accordingly.
  • Make sure that you use a bowl that is safe for use in the microwave. 
  • Make sure that the water in the bowl is deep enough to fully submerge the eggs with at least an inch of water above the egg. Keep in mind that too much water will boil over.
Jess Smith