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How To Toast Perfect Hamburger Buns 5 Easy Ways?  

Quick Answer: What Are The Best Ways To Toast Hamburger Buns?

Toasting your buns correctly is critical for achieving the perfect burger and there are 5 ways to achieve this. During barbeque season, the best way to toast your bun is on the bbq (seriously, that added grilled flavor is amazing). If you don’t have a barbeque at home, you can also toast your buns in the oven or toaster oven on either the bake or broil setting, in the skillet or griddle, or for the most simplistic approach, in your toaster. Each of these methods is super easy and requires just a few short minutes (or even sometimes seconds) of your time.

Summer is prime time for grill season, is there really ever a bad time to eat a burger? 

We certainly don’t think so!

Burgers are great for a number of reasons, but one of the best parts is how versatile they are. Select the meat of your choice (or plant-based meat if you’re a vegan), whatever toppings you desire (the list is really endless here), and finish it off with a deliciously toasted bun!

Speaking of buns, with so many delicious options to choose from when it comes to the filling, the pieces of the hamburger that really bring the whole masterpiece together are often forgotten about- and this is a mistake. 

Have you ever had a bun that was too soggy, so your hamburger just fell apart in your hands? Or perhaps your bread fell victim to the opposite problem and was a little on the charred side. 

Making these kinds of mistakes in the kitchen is easy and happens to the best of us, so if you’ve ever experienced a less-than-thrilling hamburger bun, we understand. 

However, the great thing about mistakes is that we can learn from them!

Perfecting the art of bun toasting is a great asset to add to your cooking skills portfolio. 

Just imagine it, a juicy piece of meat with lettuce, tomato, cheese and caramelized onion with your fav sauces all assembled between two pieces of perfectly toasted golden buns that are crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. Now that’s perfection. 

Whether you’re a newbie to the burger world or simply want to improve your skills, this article will provide you with the top 5 best ways to toast your buns. 

Because life is already chaotic enough to have to worry about the small things. 

RELATED: How to Cook Frozen Hamburger Patties

How To Toast Your Hamburger Buns On The Barbeque? 

Ahhh, isn’t grill season just the best? When you’ve already got your patties cooking on the bbq, why not throw your buns beside them for a quick, easy and tasty approach?

Toasting your hamburger buns on the grill literally takes seconds and will give you that smokey flavor that we can’t get enough of. 

Because barbequing often entails working with flames, this method can be a little tricky, so make sure to check out the following table for detailed instructions. 

Pro Tips 

  • We highly recommend placing the buns around the outside edges of your grill, as these will be the areas with less extreme heat.
  • You want to avoid any areas where there are flames, as this will burn your buns. 
  • Some buns come pre cut or partially cut. In this case, it may just be easier to pull them apart with your hands. 
  • The amount of time it takes to toast the buns will depend on how hot the area is on the grill that they are cooking on. A good trick is to simply pick up the bread with your tongs and check on them every 10 seconds.
  • This method is great when you are already grilling other food. 
  • If this is the case, toast your buns at the end when the other food is a minute away from being finished (so that everything can be completed at the same time and you can serve a delicious, hot meal!). 
  • The added butter or olive oil is totally optional but will give your buns some extra flavor!

How To Toast Hamburger Buns In The Toaster/Toaster Oven?

Sometimes there just isn’t enough space on the bbq, or, if you live in the Northern hemisphere, you’re currently in the dead of winter and grilling simply isn’t an option. 

Regardless, there are fortunately several other ways you can achieve a perfectly toasted bun (hint: the answer is implied in the name). 

That’s right! Another great way to brown your bread is in the oven or toaster oven!

Cooking your buns in the oven is super simple and takes just 5 minutes if you’re baking them and 30 seconds if you’re opting for the broiler. 

Here’s what to do:

Pro Tips

  • Ensure your toaster oven or oven has a middle rack, as this will allow the buns to bake most evenly. 
  • If broiling, make sure to use the top rack. 
  • Some buns come precut or partially cut. In this case, it may just be easier to pull them apart with your hands. 
  • For a bun that is just crispy on the outer sides, skip the cutting step and simply place the bread on the baking sheet whole. 
  • Your buns will be done when they are golden brown and crispy.
  • If you take them out of the oven after 5 minutes and poke them with tongs and they seem too soft, place them back in the oven for an additional 1-2 minutes.
  • The added butter or olive oil is totally optional but will give your buns some extra flavor!
  • Be careful when broiling your buns, as they can easily burn this way. Your best bet is to simply keep an eye on them!

RELATED: What To Serve With Hamburgers – 21 Sides For Burgers

How To Toast Hamburger Buns In A Skillet/Griddle? 

You can never go wrong with a burger bun that has been toasted on the stovetop in a skillet or griddle. 

This method is great because there aren’t any flames involved and you can easily see what you’re doing. 

Plus, like the approaches, this method just takes seconds. 

Pro Tips

  • Some buns come precut or partially cut. In this case, it may just be easier to pull them apart with your hands. 
  • If you’re preparing dinner for a larger group of people, make sure to complete this approach in batches.
  • You can likely only fit 2 buns at a time in your skillet or griddle without overcrowding the pan (you want to ensure they are not overlapping). 
  • Keep an eye out so that the buns don’t over-brown! This will cause the bread to be too crunchy. 

How To Toast Your Hamburger Buns In The Toaster?

If you’re in a hurry, toasting your buns in the toaster is definitely the best option. 

This method couldn’t be easier and will provide you with a lovely golden finish in an efficient manner. 

Here’s what you should know: 

Pro Tips

  • Unlike the other methods, it’s best not to add any butter or olive oil to the buns prior to cooking as they may cause burning. 
  • Prior to toasting, ensure your toaster is large enough to fit the size of the buns that you have.
  • All toasters are different, so if you’re finding that after the first batch, the buns are either not golden enough or are overcooked, you can adjust the heat setting accordingly. 
  • The direction you place the buns in the toaster doesn’t matter!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Best Buns For Burgers?

When it comes to what type of bun you should buy for your burgers, the options are endless, but for optimal flavor, our favorites are: 

  • Brioche 
  • Ciabatta
  • Onion roll
  • Sesame seed bun 
  • Potato roll 
  • Pretzel roll 

Can I Reheat Toasted Hamburger Buns?

Yes, absolutely! You can either reheat them in the microwave for 10 seconds or to maintain a crispy texture (which is what we would recommend) in the oven. If choosing the latter, do not heat up the buns longer than 3 minutes. 

Can I Save Burnt Hamburger Buns?

Burning your buns happens to the best of us. The good news is, if the buns are just slightly burnt on the exterior, you can use a knife to scrape off any black parts. 

Unfortunately, though, if your buns are severely burnt, it’s best to throw them out and try again. 

When Should I Consume Hamburger Buns?

Hamburger buns are best eaten fresh off the heat as they will still be warm and crispy.

If you’re preparing other foods, we suggest heating up your buns in the last stage of your meal prep. 

How To Toast Hamburger Buns

How To Toast Your Hamburger Buns On The Barbeque?

Active Time: 1 minute
Total Time: 1 minute
Difficulty: Easy

Hamburger buns are split in half and placed on a hot grill for up to one minute or until slightly charred. 


  • Hamburger Buns
  • Butter/olive oil


  • Grill/barbeque
  • Knife
  • Tongs
  • Measuring spoons (optional)
  • Brush (optional)


  1. Prepare your grill
  2. If using a charcoal one, make sure the embers have stopped flaming before adding the buns
  3. If using an electric grill, ensure it has been on for at least 5-10 minutes on medium heat 
  4. Retrieve your buns and cut them in half using a serrated knife 
  5. For extra flavor, use a brush to add a teaspoon of butter or a tablespoon of olive oil 
  6. Once your grill is ready, place the buns down onto indirect heat so that the lighter side is facing downward 
  7. Allow the buns to sit on the grill for 10-60 seconds or until slightly charred
  8. Check every 10 seconds with your tongs 
  9. Remove the buns from the grill and enjoy!
how TO Toast Hamburger Buns

How To Toast Hamburger Buns In The Toaster/Toaster Oven (Bake Method)?

Active Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Hamburger buns are placed in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit on the “Bake” setting for approximately 5 minutes or until golden brown.


  • Hamburger buns
  • Butter/olive oil (optional)


  • Oven/toaster oven
  • Knife
  • Baking sheet
  • Measuring spoons (optional)
  • Brush (optional)


  1. Set your oven or toaster oven to a temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius)
  2. Make sure the oven or toaster oven is set to “Bake” mode 
  3. Allow the oven to warm up for 5-10 minutes
  4. Meanwhile, retrieve your buns and cut them in half using a serrated knife 
  5. For extra flavor, use a brush to add a teaspoon of butter or a tablespoon of olive oil 
  6. Get a baking sheet and set the buns onto it so that the buttered side is facing upward
  7. Place the buns in the preheated oven on the middle rack and cook for 5 minutes or until golden brown 
  8. Remove and enjoy!
How To Toast Hamburger Buns

How To Toast Hamburger Buns In The Toaster/Toaster Oven (Broil Method)?

Active Time: 30 seconds
Total Time: 30 seconds
Difficulty: Easy

Hamburger buns are placed in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit on the “Broil” setting for approximately 30 seconds or until golden brown.


  • Hamburger buns
  • Butter/olive oil (optional)


  • Oven/toaster oven
  • Knife
  • Baking sheet
  • Measuring spoons (optional)
  • Brush (optional)


  1. Set your oven or toaster oven to “Broil” mode
  2. Allow the oven to warm up for 5-10 minutes
  3. Meanwhile, retrieve your buns and cut them in half using a serrated knife 
  4. For extra flavor, use a brush to add a teaspoon of butter or a tablespoon of olive oil 
  5. Get a baking sheet and set the buns onto it so that the buttered side is facing upward
  6. Place the buns in the preheated oven on the top rack and cook for 30 seconds or until golden brown 
  7. Remove and enjoy!
How To Toast Hamburger Buns

How To Toast Hamburger Buns In A Skillet/Griddle?

Active Time: 30 seconds
Total Time: 30 seconds
Difficulty: Easy

Hamburger buns are split in half and set in a buttered skillet or griddle on medium heat for 30 seconds or until golden brown.


  • Hamburger buns
  • Butter


  • Large skillet/griddle (non-stick)
  • Knife
  • Measuring spoons (optional)
  • Spatula


  1. Retrieve your large non-stick skillet or griddle and place it on the stove top on medium heat
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of butter to the pan
  3. Allow the butter to fully melt and spread across the entirety of the pan
  4. Retrieve your buns and cut them in half using a serrated knife 
  5. Once the butter is melted, place the buns onto the skillet or griddle so that the lighter side is facing downward
  6. Cook for 30 seconds or until the buns are golden brown 
  7. Remove from the pan and enjoy! 
How To Toast Hamburger Buns

How To Toast Your Hamburger Buns In The Toaster?

Active Time: 1 minute
Total Time: 1 minute

Buns are split in half and placed in the toaster on medium heat for one full cycle.


  • Hamburger buns


  • Toaster


  1. Set your toaster to a medium setting 
  2. Cut your buns in half 
  3. Place the two halves in each side of the toaster and press the lever down 
  4. Allow the buns to cook for 1 full cycle
  5. Remove and enjoy!
Jess Smith

Micaela D'Amore

Friday 5th of July 2024

Admission in a Georgian.University

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