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How Many Teaspoons Is Equivalent To Two Cloves Of Garlic?

Quick Answer: How Many Teaspoons Is Equivalent To Two Cloves Of Garlic? On average, there are between one and 2 teaspoons of garlic in 2 medium sized garlic cloves. This is an important conversion to understand because you will sometimes be faced with a recipe that measures garlic in teaspoons and sometimes it will simply say the number of cloves.

If you have the knowledge of this conversion, you will always know how much garlic belongs in certain dishes. This is a quick guide to measuring garlic quantities. Read on to find out more!

How Many Teaspoons Is Equivalent To Two Cloves Of Garlic?

Converting Garlic Cloves To Garlic Spoons

It is difficult to commit to a definitive answer to this question as the answer will change depending on the size of the garlic cloves in question, however, we can definitely give you a ballpark figure! 

Usually, it is understood that an average garlic clove is equivalent to one teaspoon when the clove is chopped. Sometimes, it will take two cloves to fill the teaspoon.

This conversion technique is very dependent on the size of the garlic cloves because if you are working with very small garlic cloves then you may need more to fill a teaspoon.

The age of the garlic will also affect this. If the garlic is quite old, it would often be withered and a lot smaller. The differences in size between cloves is the reason why this conversion is so difficult.

It will always differ depending on the size and so you will have to make the judgment yourself depending on the size of the cloves of garlic that you are working with.

Measuring Garlic

In recipes, garlic is measured in two different ways. Most often, the amount of garlic that should be put in a recipe is measured in the number of garlic cloves that you should add into the dish.

In other cases, this will be listed on the recipe in terms of how many teaspoons or tablespoons are in the meal. 

While it is important to put around the correct amount of garlic into the recipes, it often doesn’t matter if you don’t put the exact amount in.

The amount of garlic that you prefer in your meals is often dependent on personal preference and so you can choose whether you want to add the amount on the recipe, more, or less garlic.

You can experiment with this while you are cooking the dishes, to ensure that you are finding a good balance of flavor.

If you end up adding too much garlic, the flavors can be overwhelming. Counter this risk by starting off with a small amount of garlic and doing the taste test and adding more as you go. 

Minced Garlic 

Minced Garlic 

If you are a minced garlic buyer then you will always have a bottle or can of minced garlic in the fridge. So, if the recipe states two cloves of garlic, how much minced garlic is equivalent to that?

If your recipe states one clove, it is safe to assume one tablespoon of minced garlic is equivalent to this. If it states two cloves, two tablespoons is enough.

Again, if you prefer your garlic flavor in your food to be stronger, then add more minced garlic and vice versa. 

For those of you who don’t buy minced garlic, it is a great alternative to adding fresh cloves to your food. It saves a lot of time in preparation and it lasts longer than the fresh stuff!

However, there is a difference in taste between minced and fresh garlic. Minced garlic has a slight bitter taste in comparison to fresh garlic.

Garlic Powder 

Garlic is also sold in supermarkets in a powder form. It is in the spice department and fits perfectly on your spice rack. Garlic powder is made through drying the garlic cloves and grinding them up into a powder.

During this process, the garlic loses some of its pungent flavors and is therefore more mild. The flavor of garlic powder is difficult to compare to garlic cloves because the flavor is very different.

A good place to start is to put two teaspoons of garlic powder in a dish if the recipe asks for two garlic cloves. Taste the dish and see if you would like to add some more. 

If you use garlic powder instead of fresh garlic, then you will lose the health benefits that garlic brings to your meal. It is a quick and easy solution to flavoring but it doesn’t contain the same benefits.

Health Benefits Of Garlic 

Garlic has many health benefits when you add it to your meal. You will get the most of these health benefits when you use garlic in the form of fresh garlic cloves. These benefits include:

  • Garlic is great for boosting your immune system. Studies have found that those who routinely use garlic in their food have a lower risk of things such as cancer. This is if it is eaten alongside a healthy and balanced diet. 
  • Garlic is a great anti-inflammatory. Research shows that garlic oil works great on sore muscles and joints. All you need to do is rub some garlic onto your sore joints. It is also used to treat damaged cartilage caused by arthritis.
  • Garlic also has a positive effect on the health of your heart. Research shows that garlic positively affects blood pressure by regulating it. It does so by helping to expand out blood vessels when our body turns the sulfur in the garlic into hydrogen sulfide.
  • Garlic is great for your skin because it is filled with antibacterial properties which can help to clear up acne. Some people swear by rubbing raw garlic on their spots to help to clear up their skin.
  • Garlic also helps to kill the bacteria that leads to food poisoning because of the antibacterial properties within it. This helps to prevent things like salmonella and E.coli. 
  • You can use garlic to help to treat your athlete’s food because it is good at fighting fungus. You can soak your feet in garlic water or rub the garlic on your foot to soothe the itching.
Jess Smith