When it comes to cooking and reheating food in the microwave, there are a few different things that you can use to cover up your food.
One of the things that people commonly use to cover their food before it goes in the microwave is plastic wrap, but lots of people have started to voice their concerns surrounding how safe this is.
Interestingly, plastic wrap is only safe to use in the microwave when you are heating food if you are aware of the safety precautions that you should be taking. It is really important that you follow certain safety procedures to make sure that you are not putting yourself, your food, or your microwave at risk.
In this article, we are going to be exploring the safety of using plastic wrap in the microwave, so you can be sure that you are following the correct procedures. We are also going to explain exactly how you should be using plastic wrap to cover your food before you put it in the microwave.

Can You Put Plastic Wrap In The Microwave?
Yes, you can put plastic wrap in the microwave as long as you are doing so safely. Some people would assume that any type of plastic is unsafe to use in the microwave due to the fact that it can leach various different types of dangerous chemicals into our food.
When it’s put like this, it can make you think twice about what you are putting into the microwave and how it can affect your health.
Although, there are other people that don’t think twice about this and use plastic wrap in the microwave all the time. So, we are going to tell you everything that you need to know about using plastic wrap in the microwave below, so you can find out exactly what you should and shouldn’t be doing.
Is It Safe To Use Plastic Wrap In The Microwave?
Lots of people will use plastic wrap to cover their food before they put it in the microwave to help keep the moisture in their dish and to prevent the food from splattering all over your microwave.
The FDA has stated that as long as the plastic wrap that you are using is microwave-safe, then you can go ahead and use it to cover food in the microwave.
This means that before you go ahead and purchase your normal plastic wrap in the store, you will need to check that the label states that it is safe to use in the microwave.
This is because plastic wraps that are microwave safe or microwave proof will be made using high-quality materials that are more than capable of being heated up in the microwave. Microwave safe plastic wrap is also capable of withstanding the heat levels that it will be subject to in the microwave.
This means that it is safe to use in the microwave and it will not negatively affect your health in any way. Although, there are a few precautions that you will need to take.
The most important thing that you need to remember is that in order for this process to be safe you will need to reduce the temperature of the microwave to a medium power level.
Otherwise, it will not be safe to microwave your plastic wrap. As well as this, you should avoid putting high fat or sugar dense foods in the microwave with plastic wrap.
What You Need To Know About Using Plastic Wrap In The Microwave
Something else that you should keep in mind when you are using plastic wrap to cover your food before it goes into the microwave is that the plastic wrap should not actually be touching the food. You will need to keep a gap between the surface of the food and the plastic wrap, and the two should not be touching when the food is heating up.
To prevent any unnecessary risks from being taken, it is often beneficial to use a wide or deep bowl when you are using plastic wrap to cover your food. This will make it easier to stop the plastic wrap from touching the food. You will also need to remember to avoid using flat plates in the microwave for this reason.
Otherwise, the plastic wrap could melt due to the excessive levels of heat, and this melted plastic could get mixed up in your food. Leaving a gap between the food and the plastic wrap will ensure that you are following safe cooking practices.
However, the most important thing to remember is to use microwave safe plastic wraps that come from a reputable brand and are made from high quality materials that are able to withstand the heat.
How To Microwave Plastic Wrap

If you want to use plastic wrap to cover your food before it goes in the microwave, then you can follow these steps:
- Use a bowl or dish that is deep or wide
- Make sure that you leave a gap between the plastic wrap and the food
- Set your microwave to a low or medium level of power
- Make sure that you are not heating up the plastic wrap for more than 2 minutes
How Long Can You Microwave Plastic Wrap For?
It is always recommended to avoid using plastic wrap in the microwave when you are heating foods to more than 150 degrees fahrenheit. If you are using your microwave on a low power level, you can microwave plastic wrap for around 20 minutes. At high temperature levels, you should not microwave plastic wrap for more than 2 minutes.
Tips For Using Plastic Wrap In The Microwave
If you want to use plastic wrap in the microwave, you should always first check the quality of the plastic wrap before you buy it. For the best results, you should only purchase your plastic wrap from reputable brands.
You should laso never microwave plastic wrap after it has already been in the microwave, and you should always keep a gap between the food and the plastic wrap.
Finally, you should put the plastic wrap loosely over the top of the dish or bowl, so the steam can escape while it is being heated up.
Frequently Asked Questions
Now that you know pretty much everything there is to know about how to use plastic wrap safely in the microwave, you might be interested to learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the subject.
Can Using Plastic Wrap In The Microwave Cause Cancer?
Most people have heard the rumor that using plastic wrap in the microwave can cause cancer, and this is thought to be because it can release cancer-causing substances that can affect people.
However, you should know that this is nothing more than a myth, and plastic wraps that are labeled as microwave safe are more than safe to use in the microwave.
The FDA does recommend that the plastic wrap does not actually touch the food in the microwave, so as long as you are leaving a gap between the food and the plastic wrap, you are good to go.
This myth comes from the fact that dioxins are a chemical that can cause cancers, but plastic wraps do not contain any dioxins. This means that they are safe to use in the microwave for heating and cooking food.
Although, it is possible for dioxins to form if you burn and melt the plastic wrap. You might also want to consider using plastic wraps that are BPA free.
Can I Use Kirkland Plastic Wrap In The Microwave?
Yes, you can use Kirkland plastic wrap in the microwave when you want to cook or heat up food as it is a high quality plastic wrap that is safe to use in the microwave.
It will be able to withstand temperatures that range from freezing to hot. As well as this, the plastic wrap is completely clear, so you can keep an eye on the food that you are cooking.
This is a reputable brand of plastic wrap that is great for locking the moisture into your food and helping to keep food fresher for longer.
Is It Safe To Microwave Plastic Wrap?
Yes, it is completely safe to microwave plastic wrap as long as the plastic wrap itself is labelled as microwave safe. You should stick to reputable and high quality brands when it comes to microwaving plastic wrap, and be sure to reduce the power of the microwave to a medium heat level.
As well as this, you should make sure that the plastic wrap does not touch the food when it is being heated up. Following these practices will ensure that you are being safe.
Now you know that plastic wrap is safe to use in the microwave as long as it has been labelled as microwave safe, you can go ahead and confidently microwave yoru dinner without any issues.
As long as you are following the correct safety procedures that we have already mentioned, then it is completely safe to use plastic wrap to cover your food before it goes into the microwave.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is that the food and the plastic wrap should never be touching in the microwave. As well as this, you should not use anything higher than a medium power level.
Make sure to keep an eye on your food as you are cooking it to ensure that the plastic does not melt, but you can avoid this by not putting your plastic wrap in the microwave for more than 2 minutes.
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