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The Most Effective Ways To Fix Wet, Mushy And Salty Rice 

Quick Answer: What Do You Mean By Sherry Vinegar?

Rice can be a very delicate dish, and when cooked improperly, can easily become wet, mushy and salty. The best way to learn how to fix mushy rice wet rice salty rice is to rinse the rice in a fine mesh strainer under cold water. You can also add a splash of vinegar to the pot, which will help to neutralize the salt.

We’ve all been there: it’s a weeknight and we’re trying to get dinner on the table while completing a million other tasks on our to-do list. We whip up some rice at record speed because, well, what’s easier to make than rice?

Or so we thought. Amidst the chaos, we go to try that so-called “easy” dish and suddenly we notice it has fallen victim to one of three things: it’s too wet and hasn’t been cooked enough, it’s cooked too much and is soggy and mushy, or, it’s overbearingly salty. 

Minor complications like this can seem large when under stress, but don’t worry, all hope is not lost. 

Botched rice doesn’t have to be thrown in the garbage. In fact, there are a number of tips and tricks you can follow so that you can still get a delicious, warm meal on the table. 

Whether you’re currently staring at rice that’s too wet, too mushy, or too salty (did anyone else’s mind just transport to Goldilocks and The Three Bears?), we’ve got a solution. 

This list is diverse and offers a wide variety of “quick fixes,” so that there’s an easy and accessible option for everyone. 

How To Fix Wet Rice? 

If you look at your rice and find that there’s too much water in it and your rice is too wet, there are a couple of simple ways to remedy this. 

How To Fix Wet Rice 
Heat On Stovetop Wet rice can be easily fixed by simply continuing to cook it on the stovetop. The instructions are easy: 
Set your element on low heat and allow the wet rice to cook for an additional 5 minutes. 
Once your rice has reached the desired consistency, remove the rice from the heat and drain any excess moisture by using a sieve or colander. 
Heat In The Oven Another great way to fix your wet rice is by heating it in the oven. 
To complete this approach simply,
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and remove your rice from the stovetop and place it on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. 
Spread the rice evenly around the baking sheet so that a thin layer covers the entire surface. 
Place the baking sheet in the oven for approximately 10 minutes, or until enough moisture has been evaporated and you have achieved the desired texture. 

Pro Tip 

  • The time frames provided for these methods are just estimations. Depending on how wet your rice is can alter the total cooking time, so make sure to keep an eye out for it!
  • It is essential that you keep the heat low when removing excess moisture as a high temperature may dry out your rice too much, causing the grains to split open and leaving you with overcooked rice. And nobody wants that. 
  • You can place a lid over the pot to speed up the cooking and evaporating process but again, be careful you don’t overcook it. 

RELATED: How Many Cups Of Rice Are There In A Pound?

How To Fix Mushy Rice? 

When it comes to mushy rice, your potential options depend on how soggy the grains are. 

For example, if your rice is only slightly mushy, there are several options. However, when your rice absorbs too much moisture and the grains have split, your only solution may be to repurpose it. 

Check out the following instructions to learn more. 

Heat On StovetopIf your rice isn’t too starchy, it can be easily fixed by continuing to cook it on the stovetop. The instructions are easy: 
Remove the soggy rice from the heat and drain it in a sieve or colander.
Rinse the rice thoroughly to try and remove any starch.
Set your element to low heat and place the rice back onto the stovetop for approximately 5 minutes.
Once your rice has reached the desired consistency, remove the rice from the heat and enjoy!
Heat In The OvenLike with wet rice, another great way to fix your mushy rice is by heating it in the oven. 
To complete this approach simply,
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and remove your rice from the stovetop and place it on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. 
Spread the rice evenly around the baking sheet so that a thin layer covers the entire surface. 
Place the baking sheet in the oven for approximately 5 minutes, or until enough moisture has evaporated and you have achieved the desired texture. 
BreadHave any stale bread lying around in your cupboards? Then you’re in luck! Stale bread is a great way to remedy mushy rice by following these instructions:
Place a piece of stale bread onto the mushy rice. Cover the pot with a lid and allow the rice to cook on low heat.Check on the rice after a couple of minutes to see if it has absorbed the moisture. If not, allow it to cook for a couple of minutes longer. 
Repurpose No one likes waste, so if your rice is too mushy to salvage it and eat it as such, repurposing it is a great alternative.
Here’s what you can do:
Rice Pudding: rice that has a lot of moisture is perfect for desserts. Rice pudding, for example, can be made by adding milk, vanilla and sugar and is a wonderful, sweet afternoon snack. 
Porridge: Rice porridge is a common dish in Chinese cuisine and is known as “Chinese Congee.” It is essentially just rice and water and is perfect for when your rice is too moist (Congee is very watery-almost like a soup). Add some chicken stalk and ginger for extra flavor! 
Fried Rice: when your rice isn’t overcooked too much, fried rice is a great solution. To achieve this, remove the soggy rice from the heat and drain it in a sieve or colander. Then rinse the rice thoroughly to try and remove any starch. Next, place the rice in an oiled pan on low heat until toasted. Remove once crispy.Fry some protein and veggies and add them to the rice for a well-rounded, wholesome meal!

Pro Tip

  • Sometimes your rice will simply be too mushy and too far gone to be saved. In this case, just try again! We live and we learn, right?
How To Fix Salty Rice 

How To Fix Salty Rice? 

Adding too much salt to any dish can be easily done, so don’t worry if this happens to you. 

When you find yourself with an overly salty pot of rice, here’s what you can do

NeutralizingNeutralizing your rice with other ingredients is a great way to balance out that overly salty flavor. A few different ingredients will do the trick: 
Lemon Juice: the citric acid in lemon juice is a great way to neutralize the saltiness in your rice. To do this simply add a minute amount of juice to the rice, mix it in well, taste it and if necessary, add more. 
Milk: if you have some milk in the fridge, adding this to your rice will really help with diminishing the salt levels. Just add in a tablespoon or two and you’re good to go!The best types of milk for this purpose include milk with a high-fat content as well as condensed milk. 
Apple Cider Vinegar: like lemon juice, the acidity in apple cider vinegar will aid in neutralizing the salty flavors. Just add in a few drops, mix it well, taste it and if necessary, add in a bit more. 
Draining And Re-Adding WaterUsing water to neutralize your rice is another great way to remove that unpleasant salty flavor. How you complete this, however, depends on what stage of the cooking process you are at:
Uncooked Rice: if your rice has not yet been fully cooked, the easiest way to salvage it is by draining the water from the pot and re-adding new hot water with no added salt. Once you have done this, you can continue cooking your rice on the stovetop as normal.
Cooked Rice: if your rice is already cooked, you will have to undergo different steps. The method required for this approach is called “desalting” and entails putting the rice in warm, unsalted water, draining it and repeating the process as many times as necessary to remove the salty taste. 
Potatoes Using food with a high starch content, such as potatoes, will also help to remove the saltiness of your rice as it will absorb excess salt. 
Here’s how you do it:
Peel your potatoesBoil them on the stovetop until they are sufficiently cookedCut them up into smaller chunks Place them with your rice and mix wellPut a lid on your pot and wait for the potatoes to absorb the salt

RELATED: How Long Will Rice Be Fresh And How To Tell If It Has Gone Bad

Pro Tips

  • It’s important to keep in mind that lemon juice will give your rice a citrusy flavor, so if you don’t like the taste of lemon, we would recommend trying one of the other methods. 
  • Be careful when neutralizing your rice with other ingredients as you don’t want any of these flavors to be overpowering. The best approach is to add in tiny amounts at a time. You can always add more, but you can’t take away any once it’s in. 
  • Make sure to add a sufficient amount of potatoes when completing this approach, as too few won’t have the desired effect. Try to achieve a rice-potato ratio of 50/50. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Prevent Rice From Becoming Soggy?

Preventing your rice from becoming mushy and soggy relies on an understanding of how to properly prepare rice so that it doesn’t become overcooked. 

Here is how to make perfect white rice

  • Rinse: One of the biggest mistakes people make when preparing rice is forgetting to rinse their uncooked rice. This is essential for removing that starchy exterior layer and preventing the rice from clumping. It can be completed by placing your rice in cold water, moving it around, draining it and repeating until the water is no longer cloudy. 
  • Ratio: The second biggest mistake people make is not using the proper water to rice ratio. The general rule is to use 1 cup of water per 1 cup of short-grain white rice and 1 ¼ cups of water for long-grain white rice. 
  • Cook: Allow the rice to cook for approximately 17 minutes, with the lid on, or until light and fluffy. 
  • Rest: Another step that is often overlooked is the rest period after the rice has finished cooking. To complete this, remove the lid of the pot and lay a tea towel over top. Set the lid back on tightly and allow the rice to sit for 15-20 minutes.
    • The towel will help to absorb any excess moisture. 

Is Overcooked Rice Safe To Eat?

While overcooked rice is safe to eat, it’s not terribly nutritious as the vitamins and other nutritional components have been eliminated. 

It is important to keep in mind, however, that rice should always be stored in the fridge, as leaving it at room temperature for long periods of time can cause the grains to develop harmful bacteria. 

What Causes Mushy Rice?

Mushy rice occurs when the grains have been exposed to heat for extended periods of time. 

Overcooking your rice will cause too much water to be absorbed, leading to split grains and starchy, gummy textures.

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