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How To Zest An Orange 4 Quick And Easy Ways?

Adding a little orange zest to your dish is a great way to up the flavor factor and provide your food with a lovely citrusy touch. 

We all know how to peel an orange and most of us, how to juice an orange, but when it comes to zesting this tropical fruit, things become a little trickier. 

First Things First, What Exactly Is “Zesting”? 

According to the Oxford Dictionary, zesting refers to, “scraping off the outer colored part of the peel of (a piece of citrus fruit) for use as flavoring.”

That’s right. The exterior part of the orange is also a fantastic source of flavor, so if you haven’t yet utilized this component, you’re seriously missing out. 

Aside from how the zest actually tastes, when it comes to the execution part of zesting an orange, using the correct tools is essential. 

In our opinion, the best approach to take is either using a microplane, grater, zester or vegetable peeler. 

Whether you’re in need of a little orange zest to spice up your favorite dessert, cocktail or even salad dressing, here is everything you need to know about eliciting the perfect zest. 

Orange you glad you found this article? (Hehe sorry, we know, that was bad). 

First Things First, What Exactly Is “Zesting”?

How To Zest An Orange With A Microplane?

When you’re looking for a tool that will produce ultra-fine pieces of orange, a microplane is your best bet. 

If you’re not familiar with microplanes, they essentially consist of a metal shaft with small metal teeth. Think of your typical grater, but smaller. 

With its fine blades, the microplane will allow you to zest in a consistent and uniform manner that is much easier to handle than a larger box grater. If you ask us, it’s perfect for those of us who are zesting newbies. 

But how exactly do you use a microplane?

Here’s everything you need to know: 

Pro Tips

  • It’s important to hold the microplane on an angle as it will feel awkward and uncomfortable if it is completely erect. 
  • When you are dragging the orange across the shaft, make sure to only remove the skin and not the actual orange inside. 
  • This also relates to our next point, which is to ensure you avoid the white layer under the peel as this tends to be quite bitter in flavor
  • Depending on how large your orange is, can alter the total execution time slightly. A smaller orange may only take 2 minutes for example, while a larger one, 5 minutes. As you practice zesting more and more and you start to get better at it, this will decrease the amount of time it takes you. 
  • Make sure you are grating against the teeth (the holes) and not with them!
  • The best way to grate the orange is by sliding it with a light pressure. If you do it too aggressively, you may end up peeling more than just the skin. 

RELATED: 26 Easy Orange Desserts

How To Zest An Orange With A Grater?

The standard box grater is a classic cooking tool that can be found in most kitchens and is another great option for zesting an orange. 

In contrast to the microplane, this type of grater actually has 4 sides, with each one serving a different purpose. 

The side with the largest holes is typically used for grating foods such as cheese, while the opposite side is used for slicing food. 

For the purpose of zesting oranges, you want to focus on the sides with the smaller teeth. Either side will work, so it’s really up to you and how fine you want your orange peel to be. 

Here’s what you should know: 

Pro Tips

  • Avoid grating the white layer under the peel as this tends to be quite bitter in flavor. 
  • Depending on how large your orange is, can alter the total execution time slightly. A smaller orange may only take 2 minutes for example, while a larger one, 5 minutes. As you practice zesting more and more and you start to get better at it, this will decrease the amount of time it takes you. 
  • Make sure you are grating against the teeth (the holes) and not with them!
  • The best way to grate the orange is by sliding it with a light pressure. If you do it too aggressively, you may end up peeling more than just the skin. 

How To Zest An Orange With A Zester? 

Writing an article about zesting oranges without actually introducing a zester to you would simply be a crime, so here is everything you need to know about this delightful kitchen tool.

A zester is approximately 4 inches in size and is used for zesting citrus fruit

It appears quite differently from the microplane and box grater, but follows similar guidelines when in use. 

The biggest difference is the actual zest it produces. Unlike the microplane and box grater, a zester will create long strings of orange peel, almost like confetti. 

Pro Tips 

  • Remember that when you are making your strokes across the orange, the holes where the blade is should be facing downward. 
  • Depending on how large your orange is, can alter the total execution time slightly. A smaller orange may only take 2 minutes for example, while a larger one, 5 minutes. As you practice zesting more and more and you start to get better at it, this will decrease the amount of time it takes you. 
  • The best way to zest the orange is by creating strokes with a light pressure. If you do it too aggressively, you may end up peeling more than just the skin. 
  • This method is great for eliciting orange zest for decorating purposes! (Did someone say cocktail party?). 

RELATED: Do Oranges Have Seeds?

How To Zest An Orange With A Vegetable Peeler? 

If you don’t have any fancy kitchen equipment, don’t worry. A simple vegetable peeler and knife can also do the trick. 

This approach takes a little longer than the previous three, but is just as effective. 

Pro Tips

  • Depending on how large your orange is, will determine how long it will take you to peel it. Because peelers are generally larger and remove bigger chunks of orange peel, this component of the process should be quicker than the other methods. 
  • Remember to peel gently, so that you do not cut too deep into the orange and remove the white layer. 
  • The second part of this approach, which requires you to cut the larger chunks of peel into smaller ones, is not necessary, but if you want to achieve that “zest” feel, we recommend it.
  • Larger chunks would only really work for decorative purposes, anyway, as no one wants to eat giant chunks of rind. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Much Zest Does One Orange Produce?

An average-sized orange will produce approximately two to three tablespoons of zest. 

If using the zest for a recipe, make sure to check how much you need, so that you know exactly how many oranges you have to buy. 

Also be aware of the size of your oranges, as smaller or larger oranges will produce varying amounts of zest. 

Is It Safe To Eat Orange Zest?

Yes, absolutely, it is safe to eat orange zest. In fact, not only is it safe, it will also provide any dish with a lovely citrusy fragrance

The only tip we would recommend prior to eating the zest, is making sure you have thoroughly washed your orange under running water to make sure you have removed any residues. 

Is It Safe To Eat Orange Zest?

Are Orange Zest and Orange Peel The Same?

No, while they are often mixed up for one another, orange zest and orange peel are not the same. 

Orange zest refers solely to the outermost layer of the exterior part of the orange (which is also known as the orange rind or skin), while orange peel implies the outer layer as well as the bitter, white layer known as the pith. 

How Do You Zest An Orange Without A Zester?

If you don’t have a zester on hand, don’t worry. There are a number of other methods you can execute that are just as effective. 

The first approach entails using a microplane, which is essentially a regular grater in stick form. Speaking of graters, this tool also works great for producing zest, when using the sides with smaller teeth. 

Lastly, a vegetable peeler will also do the trick as long as you make sure to use a knife afterward to make the larger chunks into smaller ones. 

If you’re still a little confused about how to use these tools, make sure to check out the charts in this article for step-by-step instructions. 

How To Zest An Orange With A Microplane

How To Zest An Orange With A Microplane?

Total Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

The orange is zested using a microplane by dragging the skin across the metal shaft continuously until all of the peel has been removed. 


  • Orange/oranges


  • Microplane
  • Flat surface such as a cutting board


  • Find a flat surface
  • Grab your orange and wash it thoroughly 
  • Hold the microplane where the grip part is and place the opposite end (the metal end) onto the flat surface- a cutting board works great for this 
  • Make sure you are holding the microplane on an angle 
  • With your other hand grip the orange firmly and drag it down across the teeth of the metal shaft gently and with a light pressure 
  • Turn the orange slowly and continue zesting until there is no longer any skin left 
How To Zest An Orange With A Grater

How To Zest An Orange With A Grater?

Total Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

The orange is zested using a box grater by dragging the skin across the side with smaller holes continuously until all of the peel has been removed. 


  • Orange/oranges


  • Box grater
  • Flat surface such as a cutting board


  • Find a flat surface
  • Grab your orange and wash it thoroughly 
  • Place the box grater onto the flat surface vertically- such as on a cutting board
  • With your other hand grip the orange firmly and drag it down across the teeth on one of the side with smaller holes (do this gently and with a light pressure)
  • Turn the orange slowly and continue zesting until there is no longer any skin left 
  • And voila! You’re done 

How To Zest An Orange With A Zester

How To Zest An Orange With A Zester?

Total Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

A zester is used to create orange zest by repeating stroke-like motions across the entire orange, until you are left with strings of orange peel


  • Orange/oranges


  • Flat surface such as a cutting board
  • Zester


  • Take out your zester and orange (wash it thoroughly)
  • Grip the zester near the blade to give it some leverage
  • Place the rings against the orange and take a full stroke starting from the top of the orange to the bottom, until the strings of skin fall from the orange
  • Repeat this process around the entire orange, until there is no more skin left 

How To Zest An Orange With A Vegetable Peeler

How To Zest An Orange With A Vegetable Peeler?

Total Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Medium

The orange is zested by first using a peeler to remove the skin and then by using a knife to cut the larger chunks of peel into smaller ones.


  • Orange/orange


  • Cutting board
  • Vegetable peeler
  • Knife


  • Get your orange and wash it thoroughly 
  • Grab your vegetable peeler and hold onto the grip part in one hand and the orange in the other, above a cutting board 
  • Begin peeling the orange, ensuring you are always continuously rotating
  • Once all of the skin is gone, retrieve your knife
  • Cut the pieces of orange skin into smaller chunks

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